Happy New Year!!
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2015!
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2015!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
6:25 PM
What is a Mission Parish?
A Mission Parish is a stand-alone, independent parish entity operating with the consent and under the jurisdiction of the Metropolis (rather than the Archdiocese). Almost all new parishes start out and operate for a period of time as a Mission Parish in order to demonstrate their viability before obtaining a Charter from the Archdiocese.
How does requesting and obtaining Mission Parish status fit into the
Article 20 process approved by the General Assembly in June 2014?
Metropolitan Isaiah will require us to operate as a Mission Parish for a period of time before he will approve our Article 20 application and recommend that the Archbishop grant us a charter. Requesting Mission Parish status is thus a necessary step in the Article 20 process, and is required to complete the Article 20 process of becoming a charted parish.
Becoming a Mission Parish does not stop or replace the Article 20 process; it only augments it as we prove to all, including ourselves, that we are truly a viable parish.
How would a Mission Parish differ from a fully-chartered parish?
A Mission Parish would not have a saint’s name, but would be called something like: “Greek Orthodox Mission Parish of Utah.”
A Mission Parish operates solely under the jurisdiction of the Metropolis of Denver; it would have little (if any) involvement with the Archdiocese.
A Mission Parish would not have a Charter from the Archdiocese, would not be represented at the clergy-laity congresses, and would not be required to pay an Archdiocesan commitment.
A Mission Parish will be assigned a visiting priest that will travel here
on a regular basis to conduct services. We could request a full time priest assignment at a later time, and before becoming a fully- chartered parish, but would start with a visiting priest.
A Mission Parish would not have a physical office space or administrative staff. We could establish these in the future, even before becoming a fully-chartered parish, but would not start with these amenities.
How would a Mission Parish be similar to a fully-chartered parish?
A Mission Parish would otherwise operate the same as a fully-chartered parish:
It would hold regular Sunday services.
It would have a Sunday School and other youth programs, along with other ministries.
It would have a Philoptochos-type organization.
It would collect stewardship funds and start a capital campaign
(under the Metropolis' tax-exempt status and supervision).
It would hold fellowship, community building and fundraising events.
Where would a Mission Parish congregate and worship?
A Mission Parish would most likely be required to congregate and worship at a location other than Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church.
The OCP Steering Council is exploring a variety of options, including the rental of a local reception center that would allow a space for services, Sunday School and coffee hour.
Where would I worship if no visiting priest is available to serve our
Mission Parish?
It is our hope and belief that the Metropolitan would work with our Mission Parish to provide us a priest as often as possible. In the event a priest is not available we may consider a non-Eucharistic service that we can celebrate together, or one could most certainly worship at Prophet Elias or any of the other Orthodox churches in the valley.
Does pursuing a Mission Parish mean that we are abandoning our stated goal of obtaining Prophet Elias as our ultimate place of worship?
No. The long-term goal remains the establishment of a fully-chartered parish at Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church. But this will take time, and will require affirmative action by the Archdiocese, or cooperation from the leadership of the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake (GOCGSL).
To date, the Archdiocese has shown no willingness to assist in the creation of a stand-alone, independent Parish at Prophet Elias. (emphasis added) And there is no indication that this is likely to change in the near term.
Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church is owned by the GOCGSL. Obtaining Prophet Elias would require: (i) the Parish Council of the GOCGSL to put the transfer of Prophet Elias Church to our new parish entity on the agenda for a Parish Assembly, (ii) an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the members at a Parish Assembly of the GOCGSL (and possibly 3/4 of the entire membership of the GOCGSL), and (iii) the
approval of Metropolitan Isaiah. Various members of the Parish Council for the GOCGSL have made it clear to various members of the OCP Steering Council that they are not in support of and will not take steps to facilitate the creation of an independent Prophet Elias at this time, but may be open to the idea at a later, unspecified date.
The majority of the OCP Steering Council believes that obtaining mission parish status, and demonstrating our resolve and commitment to full independence, may be the only way to move the dialogue forward and achieve our ultimate goal of worshiping as an independent parish at Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church as our ultimate place of worship.
How do we obtain Mission Parish status?
All that is required is a letter to Metropolitan Isaiah requesting that we be immediately organized as a mission parish while we continue to do our due diligence with the Article 20 process. Metropolitan Isaiah assures the OCP Steering Council that he will grant us Mission Parish status upon request.
What are the reasons to proceed with a Mission Parish sooner rather than later?
A Mission Parish can feel its way through the process of becoming a fully-chartered parish at a comfortable pace and elect to request a charter at the most opportune time, all the while operating as a fully-functional church community.
Having a Mission Parish in place only helps us be perceived by the local community as well as ALL ORTHODOX JURISDICTIONS as a legitimate church community worthy of a charter. It would only enhance our position to gain a charter from any other Jurisdiction should the Archdiocese balk or block our entry into its fold.
Not proceeding to organize immediately as a Mission Parish with regular services and ministry makes us look hesitant to proceed as an independent church community not only to our brethren in New York but also at the Metropolis and, more importantly, here in Salt Lake. That perception cannot only harm the process of gaining a charter, it also robs us of our current opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship as a community of Orthodox faithful. And it gives those who oppose OCP and our goals the impression that we are weak and not really interested in independent Orthodox worship like we claim to be. Finally, it weakens our potential to obtain Prophet Elias, with the cooperation of the Parish Council and Parish Assembly of the GOCGSL or otherwise. (emphasis added)
What should I do if I have questions or concerns about the Mission
Parish concept?
The OCP Steering Council will hold an open forum at the Cottonwood Country Club on Monday, August 18, 2014, beginning at 7pm where people can come and ask questions about or express concerns regarding the Mission Parish concept. You should also feel free to contact any Steering Council member directly.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:42 AM
You formed the Greek Orthodox Mission Parish of Utah.
The question is, what took you so long?
This outcome was inevitable when this community decided to form the Hellenic Cultural Foundation (a construct similar to Leadership 100, and one effectively used by numerous other communities throughout the country) and you convinced the Metropolitan to scuttle that vote, as it would be detrimental to your plans to split the community.
This outcome was inevitable from the survey results in November 2007 (which many of you who were in charge at the time said you would honor, along with the Metropolis, but did not, have not, for all these subsequent years.)
This outcome was inevitable thereafter from the votes from numerous general assemblies following that survey, (despite your acquiescing to suspension of such, in collusion with the Metropolis, contrary to your oft-cited UPRs) including the notorious one in November 2011 where this community refused to succumb to threats from a variety of local and outside sources, and where you acquiesced to the barring of several respected elders from entering their own church.
This outcome was inevitable.
By ignoring that inevitability, the opportunity costs of this intractability - to say nothing of the emotional upheaval - have been staggering. So much did not get done!
So, congratulations for finally having the resolve to do what our parents and grandparents did with far fewer resources.
We will move forward and pray you do the same.
Και ο Θεος βοηθος!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:42 PM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:20 AM
From The National Herald (note: see original in Greek below)
22 AUGUST 2014
By Theodore Kalmoukos
BOSTON. A new attempt has begun in Salt Lake City, Utah, currently under way with the pretext, this time, to create a new community under the name "Progressive Missionary Community of Salt Lake City, Utah."
The movement is comprised of about a hundred people who were unhappy with the solution given by Archbishop Demetrios, with the intervention of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to not separate the historical community of the Holy Trinity of Salt Lake City (sic) [editor’s note: the correct name of the parish is the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake], as was attempted by the Denver Metropolitan, Isaiah, along with a group of parishioners – basically the same ones who now want to create the so-called Missionary Community, and who had afflicted for nearly four years the larger existing community. Metropolitan Isaiah had gone so far as to shut down clergy services for a month last August 2013 at the two churches, Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias, while events later progressed so far that the police intervened.
Of the dozens of documents received by "The National Herald" it was learned that on Saturday, August 23, at 1:00 there will be gathering at the Hillcrest Junior High Gymnasium, to finalize the establishment of the new community, where Metropolitan Isaiah is sending his chancellor, Fr. Luke Uhl, to coordinate and assist in selecting a community council. It must be emphasized that Metropolitan Isaiah appointed by letter dated June 12, 2014 an organizing committee, which consists of 20 people for the creation of new "Progressive Missionary Community." Further, Metropolitan Isaiah immediately replied to pioneers of the movement, who sent him a letter dated June 11 saying that they had gathered 100 Orthodox Christians who have signed the request for the establishment of 'Progressive Missionary Community " asking to appoint a committee, to which he immediately responded by letter the next day 12 June 2014, writing, among other things: "I received your letter of June 11 2014, seeking to appoint a committee (ad hoc committee) to investigate the possibility of creating a new community in Salt Lake City and thank you ... and behold to appoint the included members of the Greek Orthodox Faith ", mentioning their names and noting that "you are to please feel free to contact me for any questions you may have, and also for any needs in this God-blessed attempt you are making."
Among the names of the appointed committee are former presidents of the Parish Council of Holy Trinity (sic, GOCGSL), and the current president of the Philoptochos Society of Prophet Elias. While the community remains united in Holy Trinity (sic, ibid.), still having two Philoptochos societies, one at Holy Trinity and one at Prophet Elias. Certainly mentioned in the documents, there the ultimate aim of this movement for yet another de facto occupation of Prophet Elias and the development of an independent community. It is specifically stated that "Progressives Orthodox Christians [are] seeking to establish an independent Orthodox community preferably in the Greek Orthodox Community of Prophet Elias."
The "National Herald" is in a position to know that Archbishop Demetrios has full information on the new moves and attempts by Metropolitan Isaiah, but, so far at least, has not interfered to stop them before they become exacerbated situations, but follows once again the tactic of wait-and-see.
Insofar as the National Herald knows, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who is currently in the village of St. Theodore, in his home island, Imbros, where we celebrate today, Saturday, August 23, Performance of Assumption of the Virgin, has not been updated concerning the latest separatist movements in Utah, which artificially encourages Metropolitan Isaiah.
Telephone calls by NH to the Archdiocese and to Archbishop Demetrios, as well as to staff answering for the Denver Metropolitan, Isaiah, remained unanswered.
As is clear from the correspondence, things seem to be already finished. The president of Committee, Bill Souvall, in a letter dated August 20, 2014 for those who want the establishment of "Missionary Community," writes that "we have to go by the Assembly (Saturday, August 23) as the new "Missionary Community, directly under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Denver. Metropolitan Isaiah has confirmed that our first Divine Liturgy will be held on August 31, and Sunday School will begin on September 14."
As is clear from the correspondence, one of the reasons for this move is the exodus of Fr. Michael Kouremetis, while the other priest Fr. Matthew Gilbert continues to preside at Holy Trinity. After a failed attempt, twice in fact, to appoint Fr. Kouremetis Proistamenos of the Cathedral Church of Boston, where he introduced by Metropolitan Methodios, but the community rejected him soundly, he was then appointed to the community of St. George in Kingston, New York.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
4:52 PM
» Ειδήσεις
ΒΟΣΤΩΝΗ. Νέα απόπειρα διάσπασης έχει δρομολογηθεί στο Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι της Γιούτα και η οποία
βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη αυτή τη στιγμή, με το πρόσχημα τούτη τη φορά τη δημιουργία καινούργιας
κοινότητας με την ονομασία «Ιεραποστολική Προοδευτική Κοινότητα του Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι Γιούτα».
Στην κίνηση αυτή συμμετέχουν περί τα εκατό άτομα, τα οποία δυσαρεστήθηκαν με τη λύση που
δόθηκε από τον Αρχιεπίσκοπο Δημήτριο κατόπιν παρέμβασης του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχη
Βαρθολομαίου να μην διασπαστεί στα δύο η ιστορική κοινότητα της Αγίας Τριάδος του Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι,
όπως είχε επιχειρηθεί από τον Μητροπολίτη Ντένβερ Ησαΐα με μία ομάδα ενοριτών -βασικά είναι οι
ίδιοι που επιζητούν σήμερα τη δημιουργία της λεγόμενης Ιεραποστολικής Κοινότητας- και που είχε
ταλαιπωρήσει επί τέσσερα σχεδόν χρόνια την κοινότητα. Ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας είχε φτάσει
μάλιστα στο σημείο να κλείσει επί ένα μήνα τον περασμένο Αύγουστο του 2013 και τους δύο ναούς
της κοινότητας ήτοι της Αγίας Τριάδος και του Προφήτη Ηλία, ενώ τα πράγματα είχαν ξεφύγει τόσο
πολύ που να παρεμβαίνει η Αστυνομία.
Από τα δεκάδες έγγραφα που έχουν περιέλθει στη διάθεση του «Εθνικού Κήρυκα» προκύπτει ότι
σήμερα, Σάββατο 23 Αυγούστου, στη 1 η ώρα θα γίνει συγκέντρωση στο κτίριο του Γυμνασίου
Hillcrest Junior High, προκειμένου να οριστικοποιηθεί η ίδρυση της νέας κοινότητας, ενώ ο
Μητροπολίτης Ησαΐας στέλνει τον πρωτοσύγκελό του, ιερέα Luke Uhl, για να συντονίσει τη
συγκέντρωση και να βοηθήσει στην επιλογή κοινοτικού συμβουλίου. Υπογραμμίζεται ότι ο ίδιος ο
Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας διόρισε με επιστολή του με ημερομηνία 12 Ιουνίου 2014 διερευνητική-
διοργανωτική επιτροπή, η οποία αποτελείται από 20 άτομα για τη δημιουργία της νέας
«Ιεραποστολικής Προοδευτικής Κοινότητας».
Τονίζεται ότι ο κ. Ησαϊας απάντησε αμέσως στους πρωτεργάτες της κίνησης, οι οποίοι του έστειλαν
επιστολή στις 11 Ιουνίου λέγοντάς του ότι έχουν συγκεντρωθεί 100 Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί που έχουν
υπογράψει το αίτημα για τη δημιουργία της «Ιεραποστολικής Προοδευτικής Κοινότητας» ζητώντας
του να ορίσει επιτροπή, πράγμα το οποίο έκανε αμέσως με επιστολή του την επόμενη μέρα 12
Ιουνίου 2014, γράφοντας ανάμεσα στα άλλα και τα εξής: «Ελαβα την επιστολή σας της 11ης Ιουνίου
2014, ζητώντας να διορίσω επιτροπή (ad hoc committee) διερεύνησης της δυνατότητας δημιουργίας
καινούργιας κοινότητας στην περιοχή του Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι και σας ευχαριστώ… και ιδού διορίζω τα
εξής μέλη της Ελληνορθόδοξης Πίστης» και ανέγραψε τα ονόματα σημειώνοντας πως «σας
παρακαλώ να αισθάνεστε ελεύθερα να επικοινωνείτε μαζί μου για όποιες ερωτήσεις έχετε, καθώς
επίσης για οποιεσδήποτε ανάγκες σ’ αυτή την Θεοβλόγητη προσπάθειά σας».
Ανάμεσα στα ονόματα της επιτροπής που διόρισε είναι και ονόματα πρώην προέδρων του
κοινοτικού συμβουλίου της Αγίας Τριάδος, αλλά και της σημερινής προέδρου της Φιλοπτώχου
Αδελφότητας του Προφήτη Ηλία. Ενώ η κοινότητα της Αγίας Τριάδος παραμένει ενωμένη,
εξακολουθεί η ύπαρξη δύο φιλοπτώχων, μία της Αγίας Τριάδος και μία του Προφήτη Ηλία. Οπως
μάλιστα αναφέρεται σ’ ένα από τα έγγραφα, απώτερος σκοπός της κίνησης αυτής είναι η δι’ άλλης
οδού κατάληψη του Προφήτη Ηλία και η εξέλιξή του σε ανεξάρτητη κοινότητα. Συγκεκριμένα,
αναφέρεται ότι «οι Ορθόδοξοι Προοδευτικοί Χριστιανοί επιζητούν τη δημιουργία μιας ανεξάρτητης
Ορθόδοξης κοινότητας κατά προτίμηση στην Ελληνορθόδοξη Κοινότητα του Προφήτη Ηλία».
Ο «Εθνικός Κήρυξ» είναι σε θέση να γνωρίζει ότι ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος έχει πλήρη ενημέρωση για τις
καινούργιες κινήσεις και απόπειρες του Μητροπολίτη Ησαϊα, πλην όμως μέχρι στιγμής τουλάχιστον δεν έχει παρέμβει
να τις σταματήσει πριν εξελιχθούν σε ρηγματώδεις καταστάσεις, αλλά ακολουθεί για άλλη μία φορά την παρελκυστική
τακτική του είδους περιμένετε να δούμε.
Από όσο μπορεί να γνωρίζει ο «Ε.Κ.», ο Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης Βαρθολομαίος, ο οποίος αυτές στις μέρες
βρίσκεται στη γενέτειρά του, την Ιμβρο, όπου θα γιορτάσει σήμερα, Σάββατο 23 Αυγούστου, την Απόδοση της
Κοίμησης της Θεοτόκου στο χωριό του Αγιοι Θεόδωροι δεν έχει ενημερωθεί για τις καινούργιες διασπαστικές κινήσεις
στη Γιούτα, τις οποίες τεχνηέντως υποθάλπει και ενθαρρύνει ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας.
Τηλεφωνικά μηνύματα του «Ε.Κ.» στην Αρχιεπισκοπή για τον Αρχιεπίσκοπο Δημήτριο και στον προσωπικό
τηλεφωνητή του Μητροπολίτη Ντένβερ Ησαϊα παρέμειναν αναπάντητα.
Οπως προκύπτει από την αλληλογραφία, τα πράγματα φαίνεται πως είναι ήδη τελειωμένα. Ο πρόεδρος της
επιτροπής Bill Souvall σε επιστολή του με ημερομηνία 20 Αυγούστου 2014 προς εκείνους που θέλουν την ίδρυση της
«Ιεραποστολικής Κοινότητας» γράφει πως «πρέπει να φύγουμε από τη Συνέλευση (Σάββατο 23 Αυγ.) ως η νέα
«Ιεραποστολική Κοινότητα, απευθείας υπό την δικαιοδοσία της Μητρόπολης Ντένβερ. Ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαΐας έχει
επιβεβαιώσει ότι η πρώτη μας Θεία Λειτουργία θα γίνει στις 31 Αυγούστου, και το Κατηχητικό Σχολείο θα ξεκινήσει
στις 14 Σεπτεμβρίου».
Οπως προκύπτει από την αλληλογραφία, ένας από τους λόγους της κίνησης αυτής είναι και η φυγή του π. Μιχαήλ
Κουρεμέτη, ενώ ο άλλος ιερέας π. Ματθαίος Γκίλμπερτ εξακολουθεί να ιερατεύει στην Αγία Τριάδα. Επειτα από
αποτυχημένη απόπειρα, και μάλιστα δύο φορές, να διοριστεί ο π. Κουρεμέτης στην προϊσταμενία του Καθεδρικού
Ναού Βοστώνης όπου τον σύστησε ο Μητροπολίτης Μεθόδιος, αλλά η κοινότητα τον απέρριψε άρδην, διορίστηκε
στην κοινότητα του Αγίου Γεωργίου στην πόλη Κίνγκστον, Νέας Υόρκης.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
4:46 PM
We have taken what we feel to be a well-earned hiatus; a break also well-earned by the community at large. A fellow parishioner recently asked us about the "silence". Our reply was, "we were brought up not to kick someone when they were down."
In truth, we welcomed the initial e-mails circulated, indicating that those who disagreed with the majority in this community would seek to build their own church. We applauded such efforts. Such actions have been taken before in other communities throughout this country, and the results have been positive. The courage of these groups is admirable, and their determination, remarkable.
We are, however, dismayed to discover that the Orthodox Christian "Progressives" in this valley have now faltered on their original intent to build their own separate community. Once again, they seek, in spite of the decision of the hierarchy they claim to revere, to take over Prophet Elias GREEK Orthodox Church. (We emphasize "Greek" because there was never any doubt as to which Orthodox jurisdiction this particular church belongs.)
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:47 PM
We should all be extraordinarily PROUD that our fellow parishioner, Kyle Beckerman, is doing an outstanding job of representing our country at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil!
Our best to Kyle, and to the Beckerman and Pappas families there and here!
We stand with you!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:27 AM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
5:54 PM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:37 AM
Moderators' Note: below is the letter sent by the Parish Council, along with a letter from the Archdiocese. The original may be viewed here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
2:47 PM
It would appear that the latest contention by those who seek to split this community is that there was a letter, written in 1965, wherein there was a stated desire to build a second independent parish in this valley. Said letter does, in fact, exist.
It is, however, pretty clear if one reads this letter, and then examines the follow-up decisions taken and VOTED upon by our parents and grandparents (all of which, including the initial letter, have been well-documented by this community's renowned historian and scholar, the late Con Skedros,) that this community, by 1969, when Prophet Elias was dedicated, overwhelmingly decided to remain UNITED as one community.
So committed were our forefathers to this notion that a General Assembly passed the manner by which, IF the majority wanted to split they could do so - by VOTE, and only with a compelling majority. That, too, was meticulously documented by Mr. Skedros.
"History" absent time, context, or sequence of events is nothing more than a snapshot in time. What is clear is that the majority of these men, along with the rest of the community, decided that a unified community made more sense.
It made sense then, and makes sense now.
We have said it before, and we say it again.
Those who wish to split, contrary to the wishes of the great majority of parishioners in this community, should show the same fortitude as our parents and grandparents and build their OWN church!
Καλη Σαρακοστη!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:07 AM
Moderators' Note: please refer to the attached minutes of the Metropolis Council Meeting held January 25, 2014. The original can be viewed here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
1:40 PM
Moderators' Note: please refer to the attached minutes of the Metropolis Council Meeting held January 25, 2014. The original can be viewed here. The excerpt cited below (with emphases) is on page 10.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:10 PM
Fr. Kouremetis,
Will you please tell us if you condone or condemn
last Sunday's unfortunate events ?
The Parish will be waiting.
Yannis Armaou
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:35 AM
The Parish Council has responded to the events that took place last Sunday. Their original correspondence may be viewed here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:18 PM
We are not looking for the PC to fund our Priest, we are doing that OURSELVES thank you very much! As I've said before, stay in your playground and we'll stay in ours. What took place after church today will continue to happen until you and yours get the message that we REFUSE the PC's authority. The PC are NOTHING but simple-minded parishioners hungry for properties, power and control. Don't come to PE looking to cause problems or you will surely find them.
- from the former first "lady" of our community
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:24 PM
What can one say about a group of people, who, while clearly in the minority (a fact proved over and over again) have simply decided to behave like vicious squatters who claim what belongs to ALL of US solely for themselves?
The facts are still coming in regarding yesterday's debacle at Prophet Elias. We have refrained from commentary thus far in order to give those involved time to give statements to the authorities and to the Archdiocese.
What is clear is that Father Michael, in refusing for far too many months now to deal with, a) the properly elected lay authorities of this community, and b) in using the Nave as his forum, is continually creating what is evolving into an incendiary and now dangerous situation.
We have asked several people if any can ever recall a priest using the Divine Liturgy and the Antidoron to express his contempt for a community's lay leadership. Despite several historical instances of tensions, no one ever remembers such.
For several weeks now, the minority and former anointed appointed have made it their business to harass any Parish Council member, or anyone who has been vocally against the split, who dares show his or her face AT THEIR OWN CHURCH!
Father Michael's comments to the assembled congregation during the Antidoron have, in effect, incited some of his more ardent supporters, first to ugly and unseemly outbursts during services, and afterward, to violence.
Of course, in the manner of all bullies, the most "ardent" of what is becoming the cult of Fr. Michael, chose to threaten, then assault - physically - a gentleman in his late 80s.
This gentleman has served this community long before most of us were born. He was part of that great generation of immigrants who clung to the church and community as a harbor. He is part of what should be our collective memory as he has, for several decades, chanted during liturgies, holidays, memorial services. Agree with him, or not, NO ONE has the right to tell him not to come to his own church, let alone to threaten or to assault him, or other members of the Parish Council, or anyone else for that matter.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
7:43 AM
Moderator's Note: (from a previous comment - refer to 2nd comment, previous blog)
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:26 AM
Question: who builds a gazebo and barbecue deck in their yard when the roof of their house is caving in?
Answer: Fr. Michael and his supporters. Surely the Proistamenos-of-Prophet-Elias-only could have prevailed upon the donors to fix the DOME of the church as a means to honor loved ones, before proceeding with less critical projects? Apparently not.