“Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them,

and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

But it shall not be so among you:

but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:

Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,

but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28, KJV)

The word the Athenians used for their Assembly was Ekklesia, the same word used in the New Testament for Church
(and it is the greatest philological irony in all of Western history that this word,
which connoted equal participation in all deliberation by all members,
came to designate a kind of self-perpetuating, self-protective Spartan gerousia -
which would have seemed patent nonsense to Greek-speaking Christians of New Testament times,
who believed themselves to be equal members of their Assembly.)

- Thomas Cahill, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter


Monday, November 29, 2010

The National Herald

Εθνικός Κήρυξ

Δευτέρα, Νοέμβριος 29, 2010 Τελευταία Ενημέρωση: 2:30 μμ

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Αντίθετοι στην ελληνικότητα οι υποστηρικτές της διάσπασης στη Γιούτα

ΒΟΣΤΩΝΗ. Ο κ. Γιάννης Αρμάου, μέλος επί μακρά σειρά ετών της κοινότητας του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Αγίας Τριάδας στην πόλη Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι της Γιούτα, μιλά για τα αίτια της κρίσης που έχει ξεσπάσει στην κοινότητα. Οπως έγραψε ο «Ε.Κ.» στις 11 Νοεμβρίου, ο Μητροπολίτης Ντένβερ Ησαϊας προέβη σε απόπειρα διάσπασης της κοινότητας στα δύο, προκειμένου να δημιουργήσει δύο κοινότητες, αγνοώντας την επιθυμία της συντριπτικής πλειοψηφίας των ενοριτών-μελών της, οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να παραμείνει η κοινότητα ενωμένη. Η κοινότητα ιδρύθηκε από Ελληνες πρωτοπόρους μετανάστες το έτος 1905. Σήμερα αποτελείται από 1.300 οικογένειες. Για την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των ενοριτών, η κοινότητα έχτισε το 1969 κι ένα δεύτερο ναό επ’ ονόματι του Προφήτη Ηλία στην περιοχή Holladay.
Μιλώντας στον «Ε.Κ.» ο κ. Αρμάου είπε ότι «υπάρχει μία μικρή ομάδα που θέλουν να διασπαστούν διότι βασικά δεν θέλουν την ελληνικότητα στην εκκλησία. Αυτή τη στιγμή στον Προφήτη Ηλία είναι τουλάχιστον 90 αν όχι 95% στα αγγλικά. Εν τω μεταξύ, το 80 με 85% των μελών του Προφήτη Ηλία δεν θέλουν τη διάσπαση».
Κατά τον κ. Αρμάου «οι δύο ναοί απέχουν δέκα πέντε λεπτά ο ένας από τον άλλον», ενώ ο ίδιος εκκλησιάζεται και στους δύο ναούς, «αλλά περισσότερο στην Αγία Τριάδα επειδή είναι πιο κοντά στο σπίτι μου», είπε.
Οπως ανέφερε, «χτίσαμε το 1969 τον δεύτερο ναό του Προφήτη Ηλία για να εξυπηρετούμαστε καλύτερα και δεν είχαμε κανένα πρόβλημα. Πριν δύο χρόνια μας έστειλε ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας γράμμα λέγοντας να κάνετε δημοσκόπηση πόσοι θέλουν και πόσοι όχι το διαχωρισμό και θα σεβαστώ το αποτέλεσμα. Η δημοσκόπηση έδειξε ότι το 87% των ενοριτών δεν ήθελε το διαχωρισμό και 13% τον ήθελε».
Το έτος 2002 που ο κ. Αρμάου ήταν μέλος του κοινοτικού συμβουλίου, ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας μαζί με άλλα επτά μέλη τους απέπεμψε από το κοινοτικό συμβούλιο, διότι θέλησαν να θέσουν θέμα οικονομικής φύσεως αναφορικά με κάποιο μέλος του κλήρου που υπηρετούσε τότε στην κοινότητά τους. «Αν και αργότερα ο Ησαϊας είπε ότι ήταν λάθος αυτό που έκανε, εν τούτοις μέχρι σήμερα μας φέρνουν εμπόδια οι παπάδες και δεν μας αφήνουν να θέσουμε υποψηφιότητα για το κοινοτικό συμβούλιο με διάφορες δικαιολογίες, λέγοντας είτε ότι δεν εκκλησιαζόμαστε τακτικά, είτε ότι δεν είμαστε σεβαστικοί προς αυτούς, δηλαδή στον Κουρεμέτη και στον Γκίλμπερτ και μάλιστα έχουμε και τα γράμματά τους», πρόσθεσε.
Επεσήμανε ακόμα, πως «από τα 15 μέλη που υπάρχουν σήμερα στο κοινοτικό συμβούλιο τα 5 είναι εκλεγμένα και τα 10 διορισμένα από τον π. Κουρεμέτη διότι δεν επιτρέπει σε κανένα να θέσει υποψηφιότητα».
Ο κ. Αρμάου γεννήθηκε στο Αργος και μεγάλωσε στην Κόρινθο. Στην πόλη Σολτ Λέικ της Γιούτα διαμένει επί τριάντα πέντε έτη και είναι επιχειρηματίας ιδιοκτήτης εστιατορίου. Στην αρχή που ήλθε από την Ελλάδα πήγε στο πανεπιστήμιο «Μπρίγχαμ Γιανγκ» για λίγο καιρό και κατόπιν στο πανεπιστήμιο της Γιούτα όπου ήθελε να σπουδάσει οικονομικά, αλλά έμεινε από χρήματα και δεν μπόρεσε να πραγματοποιήσει το όραμά του.
Ο κ. Αρμάου ανέφερε ότι «πήγαν τρία άτομα και έκαναν ξεχωριστό θρησκευτικό οργανισμό corporation το ναό του Προφήτη Ηλία χωρίς να υπάρχει έγκριση από τη γενική συνέλευση και χωρίς να ξέρει κανείς τίποτε και πριν ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος τους δώσει το Καταστατικό για την να χωρίσουν την κοινότητα, εγώ το βρήκα πριν τρεις εβδομάδες».
Σημειώνεται ότι το Μάρτιο του 2010 ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας ζήτησε από την Αρχιεπισκοπή να αναγνωριστεί ο ναός του Προφήτου Ηλία ως ξεχωριστή κοινότητα και να της χορηγηθεί το επίσημο καταστατικό της Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής.
Στις 12 Απριλίου 2010, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος έστειλε γράμμα στον Μητροπολίτη Ησαϊα στο οποίο ανάμεσα στα άλλα του έγραψε ότι «λάβαμε το γράμμα σας με το οποίο ζητάτε τη χορήγηση του επίσημου καταστατικού της Αρχιεπισκοπής για την Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη εκκλησία του Προφήτη Ηλία στο Holladay της Γιούτα, η οποία τυγχάνει κοινότητα της Αρχιεπισκοπής και συγκεκριμένα της Μητρόπολης Ντένβερ. Με μεγάλη χαρά σας παραχωρούμε το Επίσημο Καταστατικό στην Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία του Προφήτη Ηλία, το οποίο ισχύει αμέσως». Εν τω μεταξύ, υπήρξε έφεση προς την Αρχιεπισκοπή.
Ο κ. Αρμάου πιστεύει ότι «ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος δεν γνώριζε τι γινόταν εδώ γι’ αυτό και έδωσε την άδεια».
Στην ερώτηση για το συμβάν της εκροής λαδιού από την εικόνα του Χριστού στο ναό του Προφήτη Ηλία, για το οποίο ο Μητροπολίτης Ησαϊας αποφάνθηκε ότι πρόκειται για «θαύμα», ο κ. Αρμάου είπε «θα σας πω κάποια στιγμή στο μέλλον λεπτομέρειες γι’ αυτό το θαύμα».

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The PC's Delusions of Victimhood

A while back, John Saltas wrote an article in his City Weekly newspaper on the subject of the “miracle” at Prophet Elias. The commentaries that the article engendered caused quite a stir. One in particular caught my interest. Presumably written by an elected, though anonymous parish council member (when we actually were allowed to have REAL elections) he or she contends that the Parish Council has been “forced” to divide our community. Further there is the contention that this person just happened to be in office at a time when “the entire community put ourselves in a position to allow this to happen to us.” (When speaking of “us”, is the presumed parish council member speaking of the community, thus blaming the true victim? Or is “us” the parish council, the supposed “victim”?)

The presumed council member says there is a “vocal minority” decrying their efforts. Contrary to his or her assertions, the notion of what is within the Metropolitan’s power is subject to debate, regardless of ongoing theocracy ruses. We, this community as a whole, own our community’s assets. The assertion that, after having snuck around like thieves in the night and appointing three unauthorized persons to effect in secret a coup d’etat (or rather a coup d’eglise) to acquire, illegally, half this community’s assets on behalf of a demonstrably TINY minority, and then claiming to be equitable and humble when dividing OUR PROPERTY without OUR CONSENT is simply nauseating. To utter that this outrage was “forced” upon the Parish Council is ludicrous at best, utterly cowardly and hypocritical at worst.

If in fact the Parish Council harbors such delusions of “victimhood” and of being “forced and coerced” by the Metropolitan, there is and has always been a simple, honorable solution. Acquire some self-respect and intestinal fortitude and do what your forefathers would have done: resign.

Resign, then resist.

Μολὼν λαβέ!

- Barbara Billinis Colessides

Monday, November 15, 2010

The National Herald

Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver Divides Holy Trinity Cathedral

TNH File Photo
Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver’s division of the Greek Orthodox parish of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Salt Lake City in Utah into two separate parishes, disregarding the wish of the majority of the membership of the parish who oppose the move, is being contested. Among the opponents are great benefactors of the parish, Archons, as well as members of the Leadership 100.
BOSTON - Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver’s division of the Greek Orthodox parish of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Salt Lake City in Utah into two separate parishes, disregarding the wish of the majority of the membership of the parish who oppose the move, is being contested. Among the opponents are great benefactors of the parish, Archons, as well as members of the Leadership 100. The National Herald has learned that the issue might end up in court if Archbishop Demetrios of America doesn’t intervene and the issue has reached the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople. It was also discussed at the recent meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese after attorney Nicholas Colessides, a member of the parish and former president of its parish council sent an appeal to Archbishop Demetrios.
The Holy Trinity Parish was established by Greek pioneer immigrants in 1905 and now has 1,300 families. To better serve its members, the parish in 1969 built a nave (church) in the name of Prophet Elias in the area of Holladay, the same instance as with Cathedral parish of St. Demetrios in Astoria, N.Y., which has two naves, St. Demetrios and St. Catherine. The parish has two priests, the initial chief priest Rev. Michael Kouremetis, and Fr. Matthew Gilbert. Now with the split of the parish Metropolitan Isaiah has already assigned Fr. Gilbert as chief priest at the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Fr. Kouremetis to Prophet Elias. Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver did not return phone calls left in his personal voice box at the Denver Metropolis. In a telephone conversation with Fr. Kouremetis on to the question of why Metropolitan Isaiah wants to split the parish, he said: “Forty years have passed this way and basically we are two parishes, two ministries.” He added, “When they built Prophet Elias in 1964 they wanted two parishes.” As to why most parishioners oppose the division and noting that the St. Demetrios Cathedral in Astoria has also two naves, he said: “I do not feel good at this moment, I am ill for three and one half weeks now, talk to Metropolitan Isaiah.” Two telephone messages to Parish Council President Nicholas Milonakis went unanswered.
Of the 15 members of the parish council only five were elected by the parish members and the rest were appointed by the priest. Fr. Gilbert did not return telephone calls either. In March, Prophet Elias was organized as a separate religious corporation and registered in Utah without informing the membership of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Also in March, Metropolitan Isaiah requested the Archdiocese recognize Prophet Elias as a separate parish and to be granted the official Charter of the Archdiocese. Archbishop Demetrios in a letter to Metropolitan Isaiah dated April 12, wrote that, “We have received your letter requesting the granting of the Official Charter of the Archdiocese to the Greek Orthodox Church of Prophet Elias in Holladay, Utah, a community of the Archdiocese and specifically of the Holy Metropolis of Denver. It gives me great joy to grant the Official Charter to Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church, effective immediately.”
The Archbishop also wrote that, “The Charter certificate itself will be forthcoming as final preparations are being completed for its production. This letter is a certification with the official Seal of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America attests to the granting of official status of the community.” In a letter to the Holy trinity Cathedral dated Oct. 6, Metropolitan Isaiah announced the split of the parish into two parishes. He wrote that, “I confess to you that I have held back the contents of this letter (the Archbishop’s letter) all this time, because in making my evaluation I wanted I wanted to be absolutely convinced that the church-going members indeed wanted to see two separate parishes, each with its own parish council, its own income and its own property.” Isaiah, in his six-page letter, gave directives on how to finalize the split organizing two separate parish councils, two philoptochos societies, schools, youths, etc.
On Oct. 24 a special meeting took place attended by 450 people, 97% of who voted against the split and decided on a Call to Action. On Oct. 30, the Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod Archimandrite Sevastianos Skordallos sent a letter to Collasides stating: “I am writing to you on behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Your appeal dated September 13, 2010 was received and discussed by the Holy Eparchial Synod on October 27, 2010. At the request of His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver and in accordance with the Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, a Synodal Committee has been formed to review the issues you have raised. The Committee, which includes His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, of Boston, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, and Legal Counsel, will contact you, in the very near future, to schedule a meeting to discuss your case …
All involved in this matter are advised to refrain from any further action whatsoever rela1ed to the issues raised, pending review and resolution of the matter by the Holy Eparchial Synod. On behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod, I kindly ask for your patience as we diligently work to resolve the concerns you have raised in a manner that will establish peace and promote spiritual growth among the faithful people of Salt Lake City.”
The Synodal Committee was scheduled to be in Utah on Nov. 12 and 13 but TNH has learned that the visit was postponed and that on Nov. 16 Metropolitan Isaiah and Fathers Kouremetis and Gilbert reportedly will be traveling to New York to meet with Archbishop Demetrios, who as the only ruling hierarch of the Archdiocese has the final on issues such as the division. The current hierarchs in the Metropolises is a combination of Auxiliary Bishops and Titular Metropolitans, and only Archbishop Demetrios is the Archpastor or ruling hierarch per se.
An icon of Christ said to exude oil on Oct. 17, 2010 during the Divine Liturgy, which Metropolitan Isaiah declared a miracle. In a letter to Fr. Kouremetis dated Oct. 20, he wrote the following: “The Lord has answered our prayers asking Him to resolve confusing situation in the Salt Lake City area regarding the two parishes.
When icons exude tears, like many of the Ever-Virgin Mary have, it is a sign of caution and problems. But, when an icon exudes oil, this is a sign of healing and blessings. When I was informed that the icon of Christ the Archpriest was exuding oil during the Divine liturgy on Sunday, October 17, 2010, when we celebrated the Holy Fathers of the Seventh and final Ecumenical Council in Nicea, I realized that a miracle had occurred. It is not usual for an icon of Christ the Lord to exude oil or even tears. I truly believe that our Lord heard our prayers to make His presence known and to resolve the situation of the two parishes. Now there can be no question in the minds of any of His people. Our Lord recognizes His parishes as monogamous and independent, each with a Proistamenos representing Him through the local bishop. Both parishes can now proceed to grow and to develop for His greater glory and the salvation of His people. The Lord Jesus Christ has spoken with this miracle, and His people will be faithful to His divine will.”

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Follow-Up from Michali Zervos

Moderator's Note: this article is printed with the author's permission.

I appreciate your questions. As I have put my reputation on the line, it would be helpful to address this response to a person. However, if you wish to continue to hide behind a mask and fear that your reputation might be in danger. That is okay with me. Here is my response.

Yes, His Grace, Metropolitan Isaiah may sound harsh but he is a good man. Let me explain:

1. A group of our parishioners were called “robbers” and threatened to be excommunicated by His Grace. Let us dig a little deeper to understand “maybe” why these harsh words and threats were used. The church board requests advise from His Grace when an alarming large sum of money is transferred out of a church account into a non-church account. The church board requires that when you desire to transfer a large sum of money (over $800K, or small amount of money) that this action should require approval from the current church body of parish members at a general assembly. Actually it is against church policy to transfer money outside of a church account. In other words, a process should be followed with the proper groups – church board, Prostamino (President if you will) and church members in good standing. A parish council member can not, on his own decide to spend church money. Yes, the correct signatures on the signing cards allowed the money to flow from the church account to a non-church account but the process was not followed. On the table, the president of the parish resigned, “may” or “may not” by his own will. This is a debate among parishioners, but it was an outcome of only two people – former president and His Grace. For what ever reason, the parish president did it for the betterment of himself and us (my opinion). Small note: I was a church treasurer before. This is a touchy way to do business, when you deal with money and the “my way” mentality. HCF own up to your part in this matter. This is a two way street.

Note that while a general assemble can vote to apply church monies to specific projects, it can not vote to transfer church monies to another, secular non-profit entity. Give away church money?

The current problems occurred when the request by the church board to change the signers on the church owned account holding the rest of the funds donated to the church through the HHCC ($1.2MM) was not accepted by the High Tower Corporate Compliance department. There was confusion with the High Tower staff and their expectations and the expectations of the Metropolis of Denver, so the remaining funds in the church owned account (over $1.2MM) is frozen. This means that the church board does not have access to the money (nor does the Hellenic Community Foundation – HCF board have access to the money). Like it or not this is a tough situation for any executive.

Note here that the “robber” name calling letter was distributed only to the HCF board before High Tower Corporate compliance had refused the signature change. This comment by His Grace was in response to the transfer of funds and HCF decision to not give the money back to the church.

After His Grace reviewed the detail documented sequence of events provided by the church board, I can understand that His Grace was “ticked off” and very upset. I am sure that in the business world these prominent business men have been called worse names than “robber” when a “deal” or “major project” or “a new business transaction” goes sour.

Also, have these humiliating names been used by the HCF board in their business experience? Let these men (maybe with women’s help) take a big deep breath and answer the question: Am I a robber? If the answer is “NO” and I (or we the community) do not believe that you are robbers then “MOVE ON”. I agree that I am not in your shoes and this is very difficult. On the table, His Grace (Chief Executive Officer if you will) called you a name. Yes, he rattled your chain. Oh, but a hierarch should be infallible. He should be the example. Yes, His Grace is a real man just like you and I. I can not explain why he did not give you the political correct red carpet service. In my opinion, The HCF board should be thanking His Grace for persecution. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:10). Accept this as a great opportunity to exercise humility. Maybe this chance is given to you to see how you will react. The bright side is that your example will be rewarded with justice after your death. No one escapes death.

Let us be careful when using the words:

1. “honest difference of opinion” or “go back on their word”. Does this imply that the Metropolitan or priest is not honest? Maybe both sides are so busy looking through their perspective that they can’t see the other viewpoint. Maybe you all just do not like each other. Try using empathy and humility. It works. Hierarchs and lay people change their minds at times. All of us will stand before +Christ before the Judgment. The people that bad mouth +His Grace have not seen the many great things that he does. He does not brag and boast about his accomplishments. Examine his entire life. It sounds like you do not know him as you know your personal family. You may not like his style but he may not like yours. I personally think that His Grace is tired of the “dependant” church situation over several years. With all the current disunity, it is time to cut the cords. Research what other priests think. You have misused John Kaloudis’ opinion.

2. “most all of us” or “TINY minority” or “NEVER have a significant number of true believers”. These commenta used throughout emails and the website. This does NOT imply a majority. To me it sounds like that you are speaking about your own business or your personal family. How can one of you speak for the entire church parish? The 87% (or some say more like 95%) people that feel dependant churches is the preferred way. This statistic does not take into account the growth of the parishes over 4 years. The stat does not reflect the spirit of the community – only the disenfranchised spokesman. Over 500 people signed on the website. This is under 250 families if you take into account only church stewards. Many signatures from one family. Signatures of names under 18 years old. Please do not assume that everyone else is on the “dependant” church side. Rather speak for yourself. Again the silent majority are not as vocal as you.

3. “condone conspiracy”. The independent church situation has been in the oven for many years and previously discussed with the Synod of Bishops in previous years. It has been talked about for a long time. The closed door non-sense theory is NOT valid. Two parishes, one community is a night mare for any priest. Go on a personal mission and ask the previous priest and other priests. I asked several my self. Get them to sign your document. At some point it will help us all to forgive His Grace and Father Michael. You can still find ways for checks and balance.

4. “actions on part of a few”. Voting is not the answer in this matter – independent churches. The fact is that ORTHODOXY is not DEMOCRACY. A tough concept to swallow. Like it or not. The community is finally figuring that out after 100 years of existence. If you believe that majority rules then a protestant church may be a better fit for your spiritual life. Many saints were very un-popular and their spiritual guidance was NOT voted on. However, their blood or holy lives reveals the truth. Saint Nektarios was exiled and mocked for his spiritual guidance. Not the most popular person. But his relics exude a sweet smelling fragrance. Many books are written about the many miracles attributed to his life. Please review what issues that he was faced during his time.

5. “an administrative action”. Look at it this way, if you all attend Holy Trinity per your comment then that is a blessing. The Holy Trinity church body will make progress. The Prophet Elias church body will make progress. This will be good for all of us. The brilliant doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors, builders, business owners and accountants at Holy Trinity will figure out ways to build schools, build hospitals, social halls and gyms under the new administrative structure (two independent churches). The good news is that it will be easier for Holy Trinity to succeed without having to focus on Prophet Elias as a money pit. Centralized systems sound easy. They are very expensive, require highly skilled PAID professionals (include paying health care benefits) to make them work and require sophisticated computer systems (infrastructure, infrastructure and infrastructure costs). If you argue that this is not true, then why has a centralized system never worked over the past several years? Excuses are nice but the jobs are not getting done. You get what you pay for. We can not even agree on which account to put our money in.

In the past, this community proves that it can not work together to form STANDARD PROCEDURES. Our churches are NOT profit sharing BURGER KINGS. They are more complicated. Can be simple but somehow we complicate them. Our churches are non-profit entities whose ultimate goal is to help us attain salvation. The people running multiple businesses are making lots of money and that is why they bust their chops. If spending your time managing multiple businesses works then just flat out cut a check to the church without telling everyone. This gift will be well received by all parishioners. Be sure to glorify +Christ. He is the one who will give you credit. Currently, I feel no benefit from the wealth of Holy Trinity. I am not sure that the earth quake proof structure will survive an earth quake without +God’s help. I look up at Prophet Elias and I see an empty dome with no icon of +Christ.

Let us set the record straight for the miraculous icon. Bobby Markolous made a mistake when he mentioned that he might have spilled oil on the icon. I heard the comment first hand. I am not sure why he mentioned this. The icon was NOT by an “oil filled Kandili” at the time of exuding oil. Bobby was no where near the icon. Father George Polities is a very humble witness who you are all laughing at. Look Saints Raphael (priest - executed), Nicholas (deacon executed) and Irene (young teenage mayor’s daughter – boiled in front of her parents) were saints in the 15th century. However, their existing relics and volumes of miracles documented that are attributed to these saints discovered in the early 1900’s. You may choose to believe in their relics or NOT believe in their relics. You may choose to believe in the saints or not believe in the saints. Many false stories and rumors take place. As many false stories and accusations were against Saint Nektarios. Quit slandering the icon of +Christ. It is exuding oil again and more witnesses come forward. If you feel the clergy are liars then go join a NON-ORTHODOX church. Then your mind will be at ease and you will be able to stand in church comfortably. Some people are so focused on discrediting Father Michael that it is now an obsession that these people can not see straight. Go watch a football game, you will be better off.

Mr. Unknown Christian, I am not laughing at you, I am not calling you a looser, I am not calling you the evil one and I am not calling you a robber and no current excommunications are scheduled. I am crying that we seem to be acting like the rest of the world. When I use the word evil one, it is because you may or may not believe in a spiritual world. But if you do, the evil one wants to keep us from communion with +God. This is a theme in Orthodoxy. Go read the life of Saint John the Baptist. His message was all about repentance. Let us examine ourselves and find ways to improve one another and quit the mud flinging. There has to be a better way. I am not interested in excuses like the priest or the bishop need to set a better example. Set your own example for your family and myself. Clergy are men like us. Keep the focus on yourself. +God will reward you in the next life - assuming that you believe what the Orthodox Church teaches. Find a way to get the JOB done.

Mr. Unknown Christian, the Synod of Bishops will address your appeal to reverse the current situation. I can live with that reversal, I can move on and I can accept that. My question to you, can you bury the hatchets, move on, and accept the outcome if the appeal fails?

PS If you feel that there has been no justice during these last few months then maybe you are right. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly then maybe you are right. Trust in our + Lord and the truth will reveal itself at some point. Unfortunately, you will get your just reward after your death. That may be a long time.

Sincerely, Mihali Zervos

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What’s the “Big Deal”?

We thank Mr. Zervos for his thoughts. Yet there are still some interesting questions that come to mind.

We are informed that our hierarch, while he may be “harsh”, is a good man and this is just "an administrative action". Question: do good men, good leaders, especially good spiritual leaders, lead by imposing excommunication, or threatening it, when their flock has an honest difference of opinion? Do these leaders accuse without proof? Do good leaders go back on their word? Do good spiritual leaders condone slander? Do good spiritual leaders encourage actions on the part of the few to besmirch a faithful steward’s reputation in both church and business, and threaten his family’s livelihood? Do good spiritual leaders engage in, and condone conspiracy, lasting MONTHS, designed to deprive the vast majority of this community’s members of one of their church properties? This, on behalf of the very few who have an insular vision for Prophet Elias, against the expressed wishes of that same overwhelming majority?

Mr. Zervos speaks of “love”. Is it love to designate those who have serious doubts about a purported miracle (when eye witnesses gave out the actual course of events) as being in league with the evil one? When someone does not agree with us is he or she automatically in league with the adversary? As for the miracle, if those who doubt it are wrong, they will be held to account for their incredulity. If, however, those who have reported and embraced this “miracle” are wrong, then the hypocrisy and fraud of those who reported such an action is indeed grievous and best left to the judgment of a higher power. In either case, it is NOT a sign of the Lord’s favor for separation. (He may well be WEEPING over the abominable nature and deception involved in the attempted split of His Church and His Community!)

In a final stretch of the imagination, Mr. Zervos contends that the Audit Report and the sloppy accounting is directly resultant from having a unified community! Huh? It is a dictum in discourse that he who asserts must PROVE. Nowhere has Mr. Zervos explained how or why this is so; he just says it is. By this same logic, no business entity could have more than one headquarters, several branches, etc. This is nonsense. Many of the parish council members run multiple businesses. One has a hard time understanding how they seem to function outside of the church realm, yet have somehow checked their intelligence, and their moral and ethical compass, at the door when engaging in the governance of the community.

It is a big deal, Mr. Zervos! Imagine if you will the following scenario:

Nearly all who have signed the "Call to Action" have said that if the split, as it has been conceived and demanded of us, does indeed stand, they will all attend Holy Trinity. It will be a truly absurd day when Holy Trinity needs to build another church – oh wait, we have one! The one our forefathers gave to us. The one where if there is to be a split, there is a specific protocol to be followed. Why should the MAJORITY have to give up their church because of the real or perceived needs of a very few who cannot even muster any SIGNIFICANT minority? And especially when that TINY minority has engaged in deceitful behavior because they knew they would NEVER have a significant number of “true believers”.

We’ve said it before; we’ll say it again. Go with the blessings of our Lord and build your own church!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Spiritual Call for Support

Moderator's Note: printed with the author's permission.
To the Church Militant and my response to +His Grace Metropolitan Isaiah,
It is difficult to accept what a hierarch has stated. It is always difficult to listen to any spiritual father in confession because he may instruct us about something we just do not want to do. Our personal will appear to take over our +Lord’s will. And our +Lord will still love us, as I hope the disenfranchised parishioners will love people like myself who firmly stand behind independent churches. Apparently the parish council and others have witnessed the oil streams from the icon. Also, after the service yesterday more streams of holy oil came from the Icon of +Christ with more witnesses. A couple of comments to fellow Orthodox Christians:
1. Weeping icons of myrrh, oil, tears, blood and water are for the faithful – meaning the people who believe in the resurrected +Jesus Christ. These miracles are NOT for non-believers. Our very own parishioners who mock this icon are currently carrying out acts from the evil one. These acts are similar to the evil acts by people who spit on +Christ during +His march to the cross. The Holy Icon with oil is proof that our +Lord is present among us. It is not by coincidence that this happened on October 17th 2010. It happened when our +Lord decided to anoint the faithful with +His very own oil. It is simple. You believe in the icon with holy oil or you don’t. There is no lab test, no scientific explanation, no reason for the Metropolitan to fly in town for confirmation, just pure faith.
2. You can argue what the Metropolitan interpreted about the icon, but who in this community is better qualified or experienced or has greater authority than the Metropolitan. He appears harsh in his letters but he is a good man. Let lawyers be lawyers and spiritual leaders be spiritual leaders. The sadness is that mud flinging (like “Talaban” or “he is your Metropolitan, not mine” or “Just let me know, my gun is ready” or “The Metropolitan is a tyrant” or “Liar”) is fueling vengeance among parishioners (current lawsuits and more lawsuits to come). We are all unified in the church Militant. There is no need to be dependant churches for unity.
Let’s get real. What is the big deal about two independent churches? The argument that our forefathers created it this way, and we need to stick together as one. This does not work for me. We are not American history. We are not just Greek. We are not living under a tyrant who prevents us going to church. We are Orthodox Christians. Many years have past, our church size is growing, and we can not successfully manage ourselves as we did in the past. A church body has two arms, two legs but NOT TWO heads. The current mess in our community is a direct result of two churches. Face it. We the people of this community do not accept responsibility for our own problems, but blame ONE priest and ONE hierarch.
From my experience these last few months here in Salt Lake City, there are more bitter feelings, bad mouth talk, than examples of genuine Christian love. Many years have past and the needs between two churches are very different. No “Pantocrataro” at Prophet Elias for 6 years. This is a good example that we just can’t get the job done. It is either because we need to spend a huge amount of money to show off, or we can be practical and provide a simple inexpensive solution that glorifies +Christ. This is shameful for all of us.
In my personal opinion, John Saltas in his magazine article has a lot of balls to write:
“Besides the fact that the icon resides beneath an oil lamp; and besides that, at least one observer of the wet icon considered it an oil spill (exuding?); and besides that, others were told it was a spillage—the official message to the local parish is clear: The “miracle” is an answer to prayers that the local parish should become independent. You lose! God’s on our side! On the count of three: Laugh at the Greeks.”
I did not see Mr. Saltas at the church yesterday evening as a witness for himself. Either because of his lack of faith or that he was embarrassed to stand in church with the silent majority who he is slandering. Maybe it is because he is too impatient to discover the truth. I expect that type of reporting from the “Xenee”, but not a parishioner.
The bottom line is that Metropolitan Isaiah is in a position to decide that two independent parishes are for the betterment of our church in the long run. Ultimately the final decision is his and he made it clear. I respect that and I stand in support of his decision. It does not change any of my personal relationships with people from Holy Trinity or Prophet Elias. With or without the split, all of us can be unified through partakers of the divine sacraments (includes confession). The Metropolitan’s decision is purely an ADMINSTRATIVE DECISION. If we all ACT like Christians then we will get along just fine. We will be able to work out any difference. It will all be okay. STOP THE LAW SUITS.
PS The audit report is very clear about the community problems. This is proof that one community can NOT manage two churches. The contested 87% statistic of dependant church supporters is almost 4 years ago. The entire WORLD has changed in 4 years (including President Bush). Let us move on. The good news is that the Metropolitan and Synod of bishops will not reverse the decision for independent churches.
My love is the same for the supporters of the Metropolitan as well as the ones who call him a liar. +Lord Have Mercy on all of us, 
- Mihali Zervos

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Answers Typical of a Dictatorial Mindset: Disingenuous Demagoguery

From the recent Parish Council FAQs:

Q4. What about the survey conducted in 2007?
A. The 2007 survey was conducted informally and was non-binding. The purpose was to take the pulse of the community, and determine whether the community desired to initiate a change at that time. It is important to note that while 1,325 surveys were sent out, only 427 were returned. The vast majority of those in our community (68%) expressed no opinion.

Q5. What about the meeting held on October 24, 2010, at which 97% of those voting desired to remain one parish?
A. The meeting that was conducted at the Sheraton hotel on October 24, 2010 was not a Church sanctioned meeting. The meeting was not called by the Parish Council of the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake, was not attended by either of the Proistameni, and was not held on Church property. It should also be noted that while there are more than 1200 families in the combined parish, only 347 individuals registered to participate in the meeting. The majority of the Parish members chose not to participate. It is also unclear what percentage of those in attendance are members in good standing of the combined Parish.

"People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing." - Walter H. Judd, physician, missionary, daily radio commentator, lecturer on international relations and government

This parish council has become utterly tone-deaf; maybe that's what happens when you turn your back on your community, its glorious forebears and its honored traditions. Between them these people surely have several years of higher education, yet simple mathematics and statistics, to say nothing of honor and ethics, still seem to elude them.

We've discussed this at length before. Once again, folks, a 20% sampling will provide you with a 95-99% confidence level of accuracy with between a 3-5% margin for error. (Don't you watch elections?) At that rate even if the 68% who did not answer the survey had responded, they would have, with 95-99% accuracy, voted along the same lines. The results might have differed between 3-5% either way - not enough to tip the survey the other way.

As for non-binding, let's consider shall we, how "non-binding" that survey would have been had the results been reversed! The difference is, we who embrace unity would have accepted the outcome as the will of the people, and it would have met the provisions of the 1968 resolution! Have we stopped at all to consider that this "non-binding" survey showed that those who wanted this separation could only muster 57 votes!

As for the October meeting: why was it was held? The voice of the majority in this community has been ruthlessly squelched for YEARS due to parliamentary fiat at several general assemblies, clerical interference in parish council nominations and elections for several election cycles, along with a variety of other low tactics, culminating in outright treachery, reminiscent of the political arena and not the ecclesiastical. And, of course, our parish council and the clergy simply presented it as a fait accompli, a done deal, τετελεσμενο γεγονος, with no fall general assembly to mess things up! Yup, that's theocracy for you!

The ultimate outrage was that this parish council, representing only a TINY MINORITY, knew it did not and would never have the votes to effect the split they demanded. So they betrayed this community, betrayed the memory of our forefathers, living and dead, and kept silent for months in order to claim a further share of the festival income, conspiring to effect a land grab, under circumstances that can only be described as despicable. Are we really expected to believe that the PC knew nothing all these months? Please.

Finally, an issue is made as to what percentage of those attending the October 24th meeting where "only 347" attended are stewards in good standing. We presume this will also be said of the 500+ members who have signed the "Call to Action" petition. We would remind the Parish Council that they sent out surveys to 1,325 persons. Are we to believe that all who received surveys were stewards in good standing? We know better. The ultimate irony, of course, is that one of the "incorporators" is not on the stewards list as of October 25, 2010. Apparently, this standard is allowed to shift and slip when it serves the needs of our unelected, fiscally and morally challenged parish council.

On Declaring a Theocracy in America, Particularly in Utah?

Lord Acton said it best, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Theocracies, absolute monarchies, dictatorships are not necessarily in and of themselves, evil; there are numerous examples where a good king, a good bishop, a good tyrant have been just and fair rulers who took the obligations and responsibilities of absolute rule seriously.

The inherent problem with this form of governance is that predecessors or successors were not always wise or just. In such a system, there is no real remedy to the misrule of tyrants, short of patience (hoping they will pass on) or revolt.

While democracies can, due to the power of propaganda and popular angst, elect poor leaders, the remedy always is that democracies have the ability to change leadership. Thus, a poor leader can eventually be replaced via the ballot box.

Theocracies, as they are essentially dictatorships, have no such ability. The ONLY good and just theocracy will ultimately be the one Christ establishes at his SECOND coming. Anything else will fall well short, even by His ordained leaders, who after all, are only mere mortals who have the attendant flaws of mere mortals. One needs only witness the recent pedophile scandals to understand this concept, or the Vatopaidi scandal in Greece, or the unfolding Paisios scandal, on the heels of the Katinas debacle, to understand this.

This is precisely WHY the statement by the unelected, and hand-picked parish council in their recent FAQs that “It is a hierarchical religion and a theocracy.”, is utterly DANGEROUS!!!

We here, more than any other religious minority in this country, should understand this concept only too well, considering that we LIVE in what is a de facto theocracy. Yet we have an engineered Parish Council that blithely tells us we are a theocracy! Do we REALLY want to emulate the larger Utah population, or follow the example of a papal governance?