Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Dear Parishioners,
Let us all look forward to 2012.
We should ask our parishioners to request a Special General Assembly to be held on January 15, 2012, at 2:00 o’clock p.m., at the Holy Trinity Campus.
There are a few things that we must address. The Agenda for this Special General Assembly must only involve administrative matters. The Agenda should include:
1. Free and unimpeded attendance by all who are willing to attend and express an opinion about our need to move forward. We do not need artificial encumbrances (nor Police Officers) to deny any one of us access to our meetings and our buildings. Everyone should be allowed to attend, express his/her opinion, and vote.
2. Free and unimpeded elections for 15 parish council members. 8 to be nominated for a two year term, and 7 to be nominated for an one year term. We do not need arbitrary, ambiguous, and capricious standards for eligibility to become a candidate for the parish council.
3. We need to prepare a preliminary budget to be approved by the Special General Assembly for calendar year 2012.
4. We need to authorize an elections committee to conduct elections. (I believe the Elections Committee having guarded the election process, and having conducted an unbiased election process should be nominated to act again).
5. We need to authorize an audit committee to empower it to examine the Parish’s financial condition without any restraints, or constraints, or conditions. (The Audit Committee which reported to the General Assembly in June 10, 2010, is again appropriate for that task.)
6. We need to adopt a widely accepted and viable stewardship program for the benefit of our entire Parish.
7. We need to involve our youth in a substantive and meaningful way in the affairs of our Parish.
8. We must safeguard the approximately $1.2 million from the vagaries of the parish council, and make sure that control FIRMLY remains with the General Assembly.
We must put an end to name calling and synergistically strive for unity and the elimination of the strife and turmoil.
We have lost a lot of time. We must do double time to make some gains during 2012 and many more in subsequent years. We must be and act united in our efforts to ensure the survival of Orthodoxy in the years to come.
These are some of my thoughts. Please free to add or subtract the suggestions.
This week we must circulate a Petition for a General Assembly with the proposed Agenda. We must collect the required 10% signatures, and united should do God’s work.
THIS IS OUR COMMUNITY. WE ARE PROUD OF IT. Let us make sure that we return it to its former glory.
Best regards,
Nick J. Colessides
E-mail: nick@nickjcolessides.com
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
5:44 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A Worthwhile Read, Along with a Commentary
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
7:09 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wishing a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our community.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
5:15 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2011
RESULTS - Special General Assembly, November 20, 2011
Article 1 - Adoption of Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
YES - 236 votes, 41%
NO - 340 votes, 59%
Article 2 - Adoption of New Parish By-Laws*
YES - 227 votes, 40%
NO - 348 votes, 60%
* One ballot had a vote only on Article 1.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:43 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Joe Kalodimos Comments on the "Anonymous" E-mail
Moderator's Note: Sections of the e-mail sent by Fr. Michael this afternoon are cited by Mr. Kalodimos in his response below.
Dear Parishioners:
I wanted to share just a few thoughts about the letter that was received from the “concerned parishioner” only I’d like to do so with transparency. I will sign my name at the end of this document rather than choose anonymity. I’m sure there will be some who disagree with the following things but that’s all right! We can still agree to disagree.
I am once again overjoyed to login to my email to receive the fourth or fifth weekly message (at what point can we call these daily??). It was a letter from a "concerned" parishioner addressed to the community with many provoking thoughts and questions. The main point you make at the end of your letter I’d like to address. You state:
“The decision you have to make on Sunday is really quite simple. Vote yes and adopt the amendments which, as I understand it, have already been approved the Archdiocese, thereby bringing ourselves in clear and unequivocal unity with the Church. Or vote no, and risk finding ourselves in schism. The consequences of the yes vote are minimal. The consequences of the no vote could be dire.”This really isn’t “really quite simple” as you state. If these amendments were “already approved” there would be no formal meeting. I don’t believe that our community will act in a robotic fashion and rubber stamp these changes. The community has a mind and will use it and if you can overcome your fear and appear, maybe even admit your authorship, then many will have a higher regard for you than hiding under your penned named of “Anonymous”.
Now, should the community decide against the proposed changes then, we will go into a gray area. This is where Article 16, Section 6 will be the next threat to face the community. It states:
Sections 6: Based on the recommendation of the local Metropolitan, that a Parish is in heresy, schism, or defection from the Archdiocese, the Archbishop may declare the Parish in canonical disorder and may assume the administration of the Parish and control of its properties until the Archbishop, in consultation with the Metropolitan, declares the Parish to be in canonical order. In the event that the Archbishop, in consultation with the Metropolitan, determines that the Parish cannot be restored to canonical order, the title to properties shall vest in the Archdiocese. If under applicable law, title may not vest automatically in the Archdiocese, title shall vest in an ecclesiastical corporation controlled by the group of parishioners that the Archdiocese determines remains loyal to it. (emphasis added).
We already know that this corporation has already been set up and for what purpose? Perhaps you can shed some light?
Now I would like to ask this question regarding your letter of concern. You astutely observe and brilliantly paraphrase the Synod and Archbishop in your letter regarding the 1964 Accord, why didn’t you bring up these facts as well? Didn’t the Archbishop also state that the new charter (i.e. ecclesiastical corporation) was to be dissolved? And why was yet another “ecclesiastical corporation” set up? And didn’t the Synod and Archbishop also state that the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake City was to remain as one community? Furthermore, I’d like to point out that you stated in your letter the following:
“The Synod expressly rejected the claims that the infamous "1964 Accord" has any further force or effect, or exempts our Parish from any portion of the UPR. Apparently, those who pursued the appeal and asked for the Synod’s guidance on these issues are now unwilling to accept and abide by the parts they do not like.”Isn’t it really you who are “unwilling to accept and abide by the parts” you do not like? It is you who does not want to dissolve the “ecclesiastical corporation or remain as the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake City!
Since the decision of the Synod and Archbishop’s letter, the community has tried to live by the decision so we can remain intact. Things were basically being left alone. The Accord was neatly put back on the shelf (unless needed). Now the hierarch, clergy are pushing relentlessly again to drive the wedge and hence, a reaction unfortunately. Please rethink your letter again or at least sign it.
Joseph Kalodimos
PS - one final thought...the statement is made that a YES vote means "minimal change"; a NO vote will have dire consequences. "Anonymous" is surely kidding. Continuing on in this manner is simply minimal? What this community is enduring under this regime has been and will continue to be intolerable!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
11:15 PM
Wonder Why...?
...They do not want to have an open General Assembly and free elections and then allow
ALL parishioners to vote?
Why are we told :"Parish council elections in your community can only take place after the
affirmative outcome of the upcoming special general assembly"?
Why do they try to force the vote?
What will happen if the community says NO?
Why do they want to replace this:
1. For these purposes this organization shall be a member of the Greek Orthodox Church, and shall
recognize as its Ecclesiastical and Spiritual head, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople;
it shall also recognize spiritually only, the representative of the Patriarchate in America. This
organization, however, specifically reserves unto its members in good standing, as defined
in these BY-LAWS, all of its property and assets, giving no control of said property and assets
to any priest, bishop, archbishop, or any spiritual head of said church, or to any person or persons
whomsoever, except those stated herein.
With this?
Yannis Armaou
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:03 PM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:16 PM
Friday, November 18, 2011
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
10:05 AM
Doug Anderson Comments on the Situation Surrounding the Special General Assembly
These actions by the Priests and Metropolitan are hurtful, unnecessary and divisive. Their actions and inaction are undeniably the single largest factor in causing major unrest, mistrust and disunity in the Salt Lake City community. They don't seem to understand the importance of listening to people and acknowledging them. Even if it is just listening to the people and acknowledging their concerns (even if they end up doing nothing). Just empathizing and being the leader and consoling father and priest figure that the people want and look up to.
They are not listening to any concerns and addressing their concerns however legitimate. It would be nice to be flawless in our actions and thoughts and would be nice to be right or righteous 100% of the time. But they are not, we are not, the people with concerns are not.
Instead of education, empathy, forgiveness, guidance, and leadership from our clergy and parish council, what we are actually seeing, hearing and experiencing are threats and issuance of punishment (in writing), belittlement (in sermons), threats (in letters), character assassination (Parish Council letters and Metropolitan's letters against Mr Bapis, and Foundation Board of Directors sic, 2009, 2010) and more obstructionist, mean and unbecoming behavior from our leaders.
Instead if guidance, education, leadership and cooperation, the community experiences demands with threats, unyielding ultimatums, demands for obedience, inflexible stubbornness through action and inaction by the Denver Metropolitan, Salt Lake priests and the Salt Lake parish council.
I am sorry I feel this way, but this is the fact.
I do not question God’s word, but I really question these parts of organized religion that demand 100% obedience to men not God; but men that are not perfect and may not or cannot see their human flaws.
Police attending a church meeting and organizational meeting is significantly disturbing. This should really cause those clergy, and men and women Salt Lake leadership that organized this meeting and preordain it's outcome, to reflect on their actions that brought these circumstances to this juncture.
Best Regards,
Douglas Anderson
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
10:03 AM
This Community Responds to Metropolitan Isaiah's Nov. 15th Letter
Below are a variety of responses from various parishioners to the Metropolitan's latest letter. (Note, they refer to the Metropolitan’s letter, but are presented in no particular order.)
- Your Eminence, regarding your current letter and previous letters concerning Steven Katsaris, I would like to set the record straight. Steven Katsaris communicates frequently with a parishioner here in Salt Lake City. When told of what you say concerning his departure from Salt Lake City, Steven Katsaris just laughs. The truth is "I left because I wanted a smaller parish, not because I was forced out" so enough about Steven Katsaris. The real question is why has Rev. Kouremetis had a difficult time keeping a job? 4 parishes in the last 15-18 years? Ponder that!
- Identifies with? We do NOT "identify" with these churches. We ARE these churches! YOU MET AND PRESUMABLY SERVED the laos of this church when you were a young priest! Do you NOT remember them? You considered yourself "truly blessed" to serve this community. Really? Your latest tirades and actions during these AWFUL years of heavy-handed and hard-hearted rule reflect joy and love?
- "Problems" began to appear in 2008? Was that when you [the Metropolitan] had finally approved the Hellenic Community Foundation, after making this community and its members jump through RIDICULOUS hoops, though supposedly you LIKED the idea? Then of course someone must have pointed out to you that such action would hamper the goals of a TINY minority in this community to seize ONE-HALF of ALL ASSETS in order to separate Prophet Elias from the community. So then, again, as is your habit, you about-faced and began to claim that life-long stewards (and there are more than a "handful") who have given DECADES of service were simply "robbers."
- MISSING money? The money is NOT missing. That implication bears false witness! That money was in an account, with trustees assigned by the general assembly. It was transferred when the broker, who never took a penny in commission, and who shepherded these funds to earn decent interest in highly challenging economic conditions, changed firms. This was done with proper procedure, and again signed by the appointed trustees, one of whom later claimed he had been "misled" or "confused". We are of course to believe that this person, a member of your Metropolis council, is to be considered "brilliant" in all other matters and dealings, yet he claims he was "misled" in this particular instance. The two other signatories made no such claims.
- There is no "missing" money. The funds have been tied up by the Metropolitan with an SEC claim against the broker, an Archon, a member of Leadership 100, and a gentleman who has given immeasurable time, talent and treasure to the Church.
- The REAL uncanonical reality is a hierarchy that rules through fear, lies and slander. Only TWO, of dozens of priests, according to this community’s recognized authority, a PUBLISHED historian, left under what might be called adverse conditions. The one had serious personality issues which we have heard were addressed later in therapy. The other left because a raise he had demanded had been deferred. Some of the others left for what we can charitably call "inappropriate" behaviors.
- Father Katsaris, whom our Metropolitan brings up frequently, was, and still is, REVERED and RESPECTED here. He has been contacted the past couple of years by various people who knew him well here. When asked if he was "forced" out, he laughed, said "no", and explained that he was interested in a smaller community and in serving ministries related to Orthodox education. Assistant priests left for assignments with more responsibility; proistamenoi left either because of better opportunities or because they wanted raises that could not be afforded them at the time they were sought. This community is no better and no worse than any community of Greek Orthodox communicants. It is, however, unique. Unique in that it exists and (until recently) thrives in a geographically isolated area and in the headquarter city of the Mormon church.
- Our Metropolitan loves to say he answers to NO civil authority? He makes this claim constantly! Isn't this the classic rationalization when our clergy and hierarchs have been named in recent pedophile cases? They are not subject to civil laws and that they answer only to the Lord? The fact is we do live in a civil society and we, AND THEY, must and will answer to civil authority, like it or not. (A side note: when the next one occurs, as it surely will, will OUR community’s asset properties be sold off, by yet ANOTHER SELECTED PARISH COUNCIL, to help pay off the next “$20 million” settlement?)
- The Met claims that it is sad testimony that some who call themselves Orthodox Christians do not hesitate to sue the Church and her canonical representatives. Do not hesitate? Please. The majority in this community followed every procedure and exhausted EVERY avenue of redress under the HIGHLY FLAWED Uniform Parish Regulations. We dotted every "i" and crossed every "t". Six of our members, two of whom are ARCHONS, at their own expense, flew to New York and met with a subcommittee of the Synod. We were given a "way forward" by the Archbishop (in his letter, March 24, 2011, to you) and you spurned this, claiming to be the sole shepherd and leader in his Metropolis. NOW, you claim to have another letter (as yet unshared) from the Archbishop, and that you will "follow" his directives. Really? Why didn't you follow Archbishop Demetrios' previous instructions? Why did you at that time claim that you were the SOLE authority in this Metropolis?
- This current construct under the UPR is neither Hellenic NOR Orthodox! That the hand-picked laity ratified it under pressure from the clergy is appalling! Dictatorship and unethical action is not Christ-like behavior! (Neither is having an “apostolic” successor carrying a concealed weapon - even though civil law says he can! Did Jesus hide a knife in his sandals?)
- It is SAD that the other 500 parishes in this country did not have the wise "progenitors" we had. The ones who had the GUTS to stand up and say, "we respect and revere the clergy", but, we will have control over our own assets. Tell us anything you like, sir, inside those hallowed walls, but WE, together, will decide what happens to the properties and assets outside those walls. If this is "temporal", "secular", whatever, SO BE IT.
- We are TIRED of being told that our attitudes are "secular" or "temporal". For nearly 106 years we have thrived because this community had balance. The Greeks said it best through Aristotle's "golden mean". Considering as well, the DISMAL track record of this APPOINTED and dictatorial parish council insofar as financial governance, we don't believe our outlook is unreasonable.
- We also are wise to the fact that you and your minions keep arguing that the community "will still own their properties." THIS IS FALSE!!! IF we had truly free elections, this MIGHT be true. As it stands, since the priests and Metropolitan insist on making sure that only "certain" people can stand for parish council elections, or appoint those who do his bidding, and SINCE the Parish Council (UNDER STRICT CONTROL BY THE METROPOLIS AND CLERGY) can sell and borrow against church properties under those UPR, this argument is not only disingenuous, it is an outright falsehood!
- Again, it is amazing that our Metropolitan is "kind" enough to agree with his supposed superior, saying he has a “letter” from the Archbishop that agrees with his current actions, when it suits his purposes. The fact that he has ignored the Archbishop whenever it suits his purposes does not seem to bother him at all!
- We are told by the Metropolitan that we WILL declare our community will no longer be a secular "association" controlled by a select few “temporal humans” – the ones who have REALLY given of their time, talent and treasure – in an APPROVED institution (the HCF) that is absolutely similar to Leadership 100. (As opposed to a select few “good Christians” who have managed to run a formerly thriving community INTO THE GROUND?)
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
10:01 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Letter to Parishioners, Nov. 15, 2011 - Metropolitan Isaiah
The Reverend Clergy
The Esteemed Parish Council
The Faithful Members
The Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake
5335 South Highland Drive
Holladay,Utah 84117
November 15, 2011
Beloved in the Lord,
I address this pastoral letter to every faithful Greek Orthodox Christian in Salt Lake City and Holladay who identifies with the historic Holy Trinity Cathedral and with the Prophet Elias Church.
Reflecting back to 1962 when I received my first assignment in the holy priesthood as the assistant priest to Father Steven Katsaris, I considered myself truly blessed. Thirty years later I was assigned as your bishop by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1992. I have had the blessing of being your hierarch these past nineteen years, and it was always a joy for me to make pastoral visits to the Cathedral, as well as to the Prophet Elias parish during this time period.
Unfortunately, problems began to appear in 2008 regarding the proper administration of the parish. The beginnings of these problems were actually in existence even from 1962 and forced Father Katsaris to leave the parish in July of that year. The long term question which has plagued Salt Lake has been, "Is the community of Salt Lake City in harmony with the Metropolis, the Archdiocese and the Patriarchate, or is it only under the State of Utah as an independent association with no higher ecclesiastical authority over it?" In other words, is the Greek Orthodox Church in Salt Lake in direct continuity with the Church which our Lord Jesus Christ established on the day of Pentecost almost two thousand years ago, or is it to continue to be under the absolute control of a small handful of people, as it has for the past five decades? The fact that over two million dollars missing from the legal responsibility of the parish council, and in control of a few individuals with no official parish positions these past several years, attests to the reality that the existing corporation documents from 1974 contribute to the consistent disruption affecting your community.
Strong evidence of this uncanonical reality is that no less than seven dedicated priests of the community these past forty-seven years were forced to leave the community. For your historic community to have this many proistamenoi remaining on an average of not more than six years raises many questions. Were those priests who were forced to leave the cause of your unending administrative problems, or is it the fact that these same few individuals who have had fiscal control of the assets of the community for the past five decades bear much of the responsibility for your chronic problems?
I thank our loving God for all of you who see yourselves as the faithful inheritors of our holy, Apostolic faith which was brought to our nation by our beloved immigrant progenitors. You know the Church was established on the foundation of the holy Apostles with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. You are aware that we have Apostolic succession indicating the divine nature of the Church. You know that the Church is in the world, but She is not of the world.
You also know the fact that the Church of our Lord is represented by every canonical bishop and can never be subjugated to any civil authority. I pray that this correct interpretation of the Church will come upon all who believe themselves to be faithful Greek Orthodox Christians.
It is a sad testimony that some who call themselves Orthodox Christians do not hesitate to sue the Church and her canonical representatives. They express no embarrassment attacking the very Body of Christ. Because of this, I want to believe that such people, who see nothing wrong in takingtheir Church to civil court have no understanding of the true nature of the Ecclesia, but see the Church as something far less. Consequently, since they have separated themselves from the other parishioners, the six individuals who were involved with the law suit are not in good standing at this time and may not attend the special general assembly.
If you wish to have this matter resolved once and for all, you will want to attend the special general assembly on Sunday, November 20, 2011 and put a stop to this situation. Now is the time for you to affirm that you are one of the over five hundred parishes of our holy Archdiocese under our Ecumenical Patriarchate, rather than an independent secular association as the corporation papers of 1974 state.
According to the letter I received from His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Parish Council elections in your community can only take place after the affirmative outcome of the upcoming special assembly.
If you love the Church, if you love your community, as I believe you do, you will step forward with faith at the special general assembly and declare that your community is under our Ecumenical Patriarchate and our holy Archdiocese. Moreover, you will declare that your community will no longer be a secular "association" controlled by a select few temporal humans, but rather by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has promised that His Church will continue to be in the world, even to the great day of His Second Coming.
With paternal blessings
+Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
5:04 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Letter to Parishioners, Nov. 12, 2011
November 12, 2011
Dear Friend,
Last week, the Parish Council sent a letter to Greek Orthodox parishioners celebrating their “victory” in a court case regarding efforts to stop the upcoming Special Assembly The letter was full of half-truths, was disingenuous, and did not tell the full story. And we also wonder: Why does the PC spend so much time on this “secular” court ruling, but still ignore the Holy Eparchial Synod ruling of March 24, 2011, signed by Archbishop Demetrios? That letter tells us to remain as one Parish with free, open assemblies, not to just adopt bylaws that can circumvent that ruling.
“In doing so, (denying the temporary restraining order) the Court recognized the ecclesiastical order of our Church and dispelled the notion that the Holy Canons, Traditions and Regulations can be circumvented by secular efforts.”
The Court believes both ecclesiastical and secular matters are relevant in our bylaws--it did not grant the Parish Council’s motion to dismiss, which is a “victory” for the plaintiffs (not mentioned in the PC letter). The plaintiffs may review all parish documents—including meeting minutes, stewardship rosters and financial reports that have been hidden from the parish for months. Concealing our parish records led to the court suit in the first place.
“This affirms that we are a Church, first and foremost, not just a civic club of casual acquaintances.”
No one involved in this effort believes we aren’t a Church. We are not a civic club of casual acquaintances.
“We are free to follow our Hierarchs without bowing to the personal agendas of those who try to get their way by legal maneuvering, intimidation and misinformation.”
The only agenda in this struggle is for transparency, open general assemblies, elections and allowing the people their place in the governance of our Church. Intimidation comes from our clergy who threaten the closing of the Church if these bylaws are not passed. Misinformation comes from the “Parish Council” not only in their letter, but by not providing financial information and not holding regular general assemblies or elections in over two years.
“…to bring our local Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws into conformity with the Regulations of the Archdiocese by removing antiquated exceptions that have existed in our corporate documents for many years.”
If the current bylaws were not in conformity with Archdiocesan regulations, why hasn’t the Archdiocese intervened in the last 106 years? Now suddenly they contain antiquated exceptions? Please provide documentation of other Greek Orthodox parishes which have adopted these proposed bylaws.
“These differences can best be exemplified by the return to the use of the proper name of the Parish: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral and Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church.”
We are and have been the “Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake” without issue. This argument is a red herring to further dilute a united community.
“At the Special General Assembly there will be presentations by members of our parish council, our clergy, and representatives from the Metropolis and Archdiocese.”
The Archdiocese has spoken through the Holy and Eparchial Synod in their letter of March 24, 2011 (click HERE to read this correspondence). It is time the decision of that letter was enforced. No other presentations are needed.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
11:12 AM
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fellow Parishioners
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
10:24 AM