“Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them,

and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

But it shall not be so among you:

but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:

Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,

but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28, KJV)

The word the Athenians used for their Assembly was Ekklesia, the same word used in the New Testament for Church
(and it is the greatest philological irony in all of Western history that this word,
which connoted equal participation in all deliberation by all members,
came to designate a kind of self-perpetuating, self-protective Spartan gerousia -
which would have seemed patent nonsense to Greek-speaking Christians of New Testament times,
who believed themselves to be equal members of their Assembly.)

- Thomas Cahill, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter


Monday, February 28, 2011


 In today's email from the parish council.....
"As the Parish Council has repeatedly stated, the two cards are being used for one purpose and one purpose only: to understand which church (or churches) members of the combined parish will choose to identify with in the event that two separate parishes are ultimately established. "

What is it that the hand picked parish council can not understand?

  • That we will not and do not want to split?
    • That 87% said no to split in 2007?
      • We choose BOTH churches!
        • That united we stand?

          One card for BOTH churches!


          Yannis Armaou

          Saturday, February 26, 2011


          Dear Friends,

          I have reread the rejection letter (of my stewardship) mailed to me on February 9, 2011.  I agree with the provisions of the 1974 Amended Articles of Incorporation.  The Bylaws bear my signature since, at the time, I happened to be the secretary of the State-chartered Corporation.  My stewardship cheque written on January 23, 2011, was made payable to the order of:  Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake. 

          After it was deposited into the rightful account and cashed, the Parish Council returned to me a cashier’s cheque, payable by Zions Bank,;  the remitter is shown on the cashier’s cheque (No.: 1395473) as “Greek Orthodox Church of GSL.”

          The accompanying rejection letter states that it (the cheque) is being returned to me because it does not conform to the “form” as designed by the Parish Council.  It certainly is not either my fault, or any other parishioner’s fault to whom his/her stewardship was returned, if the Parish Council cannot design the proper form.

          Let’s look at the facts:

          • The only existing and validly subsisting corporation is the entity known as The Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake, the GOCGSL.  That is the only corporation which can accept money from the stewards of the Corporation.  It is the only corporate entity that can accept tax deductible offerings. 
          • The pledge forms referenced in and authorized by ARTICLE VI-PARISHIONERS, By-laws 3, sub section b, direct that payment must be made “… to cover the needs of the Church … ;” payments must be made to the State of Utah chartered corporation, i.e., GOCGSL It is the only entity which HAS ADOPTED AND IS GOVERNED BY THESE BY-LAWS.  
          • The Parish Council cannot subvert the By-laws by substituting the names of each of the two churches as the payees;  the pledged money belongs NOT TO THE METROPOLITAN; NOT TO THE CLERGY;  NOT TO THE ARCHBISHOP; NOT TO THE PARISH COUNCIL.  IT ONLY BELONGS TO THE GOCGSLC AND NO ONE ELSE. And most importantly it is the only organization that has enjoyed the status of an IRS approved section 501 (c)(3), and where we the parishioners can make our tax deductible contributions. 
          • Neither the Holy Trinity Cathedral nor the Prophet Elias Church are legal entities cognizable at law, and neither is capable of accepting tax deductible funds.  Are the promoters of this silly idea (Blue/Yellow fiasco) trying to make us break the IRS law???
          • The state chartered corporation, the GOCGSL, DOES NOT AUTHORIZE PLEDGES TO BE MADE TO EITHER THE “Holy Trinity Cathedral” or the Prophet Elias Church.  NEITHER OF THESE TWO entities are authorized to, NOR are capable of, receiving tax deductible pledged funds.
          Dear Parishioners: no one can make you use the Blue/Yellow forms.  Stick to your guns.  Whatever you wish to donate, donate to the GOCGSL, and make your stewardship pledge payable to the GOCGSL.   

          Think about it:  What is the motivation of those who try to divert your money to another entity???

          Any party who is assisting with or conspiring to divert the pledged funds from its rightful owner the GOCGSL, to the individual churches shall be held accountable.

          TO ALL PARISHIONERS:  PLEASE DO NOT SIGN ANY PLEDGE FORMS WHICH DIVERT FUNDS FROM THE Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake.  Please do not get in the trap; you should not recognize nor legitimize the Blue/Yellow forms.

          Best regards,


          Nick J. Colessides
          Attorney at law
          466 South 400 East, Suite 100
          Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-3325

          Voice:  801/521-4441
          Fax:      801/521-4452
          Email:  nick@nickjcolessides.com

          Tuesday, February 22, 2011

          The Community of Lynn, Massachusetts Makes History

          Note: translated from the Greek (see previous blog) - an extraordinary analysis by Theodore Kalmoukos, National Herald - Feb 18, 2011

          The events that took place of late in the community of St. George of Lynn, Massachusetts regarding the disputed subject of its annual contribution to the Archdiocese, undoubtedly exposes conditions and/or situations that are truly revealing.

          There are certainly circumstances that are occurring and that are scarring our ecclesiastical life, not anymore in a local, consequently limited setting, but in a broader dimension, the results of which are becoming more evident with the passage of time. It could be said without any hesitation that Lynn, Massachusetts is making history, and, at the same time, history is writing itself.

          The climax of this situation was the special general assembly that took place the evening of February 16th, and about which The National Herald wrote in detail in yesterday’s edition.

          In other words, the point in question is what many parishes, priests and Parish Councils are experiencing and discussing throughout America, and, of course, in the New England states, which is the burdensome pressure of the continual increase of their annual contribution to the Archdiocese. As such, the community of Lynn decided to resist by setting a limit and an end to the constant demands of its own Metropolis, which was and is using scare tactics, such as the salvific sacraments of the Church, in contradiction to the Church’s own nature and mission.

          The stated and heard arguments from last Wednesday evening in Lynn, which disseminated like lightning to all communities across America, ought to have made all those responsible for our ecclesiastical life not simply to be uneasy, since all potential consequences of a threatened breach were included, but to have relented decently and quietly.

          The message of the divine and honorable people of Lynn is clearly that the spending of our offering in order to provide excessive resource in the name of Protestant-style “ministries” has ended, as if the parishioners do not see that they derive a small-to-none benefit from the notorious "ministries". The essential message is that the more money the various communities send to the Archdiocese, the more is returned to local metropolises. The rest is simply empty rhetoric.

          The mention of the regulations (UPRs) and Clergy-Laity decisions offers the impression of idle talk, because all clergy and laity know well the methodologies, processes and fabrications that the delegates are prevailed upon to ratify by voice.

          Lynn’s case is representative of the silence in the face of the continuous oppression that has existed, a situation that has prevailed along with anxiety among many communities throughout the country, and whose members have now begun breathing again and are starting to see things differently.

          The conclusion to be drawn from Lynn’s Special General Assembly is that its blessed people of God, realizing that they could not turn to any other avenue or hope for solution, have resorted to their own strength and will. In their free expression of opinion and volition, they have ignored the hierarchical structure of the Church, since they realized that such a structure did not work paternally and with total and full love on their behalf. To the contrary, the church has sought to impose its feudalistic and mandatory fee upon them, and did not hesitate to exploit even its sacraments that are considered the ways and means of divine grace to salvation.

          The meaning and concept of the church does not exist anymore. The growing distinction of what the church is, from what it is not, has begun to gain ground. Even those who were in “deep sleep” until yesterday, for reasons such as having shown respect to clergy, or because of public reverence, have awakened recently, and now they say “enough is enough, up to this point and no further.” No church member ever refused to give generously to the church on a local or national level. The problem begins when the pride and intelligence of the people have been insulted. Even those unfamiliar regarding clergymen’s lives understand that all clergy, regardless of rank are “servants” of the people that pay them handsomely in order to pray for them, and not to oppress them.

          The times are now roaring and what ought to prevail are efforts to settle everything down and not to try to lash out, as would a cornered, terrified lion.

          February 18, 2011

          Η κοινότητα του Λιν γράφει ιστορία

          Note: for our Greek readers - an extraordinary analysis by Theodore Kalmoukos, National Herald - Feb 18, 2011

          Aνάλυση του Θεόδωρου Καλμούκου

          Τα όσα διαμείβονται τον τελευταίο καιρό στην κοινότητα του Αγίου Γεωργίου του Λιν της Μασαχουσέτης, με επίμαχο θέμα την ετήσια συνεισφορά της κοινότητας προς την Αρχιεπισκοπή, είναι αναμφίβολα ενδιαφέροντα και αποκαλυπτικά πολλών πραγμάτων και καταστάσεων.

          Είναι σίγουρα πράγματα πρωτόγνωρα τα όσα συμβαίνουν τα οποία σημαδεύουν τον εκκλησιαστικό μας βίο όχι πλέον σε τοπικό και άρα περιορισμένο και περιοριστικό επίπεδο, αλλά σε ευρύτερη διάσταση, τα αποτελέσματα των οποίων θα καταστούν φανερά με την πάροδο του χρόνου. Θα μπορούσε κάποιος αβασάνιστα να πει ότι το Λιν της Μασαχουσέτης γράφει ιστορία και συνάμα το γράφει η ιστορία.

          Αποκορύφωμα ήταν η γενική συνέλευση το βράδυ της Τετάρτης 16 Φεβρουαρίου για την οποία ο «Εθνικός Κήρυξ» έγραψε λεπτομερώς στη χτεσινή του έκδοση.

          Μ’ άλλα λόγια, γι’ αυτό που πλείστες όσες κοινότητες, ιερείς και κοινοτικά συμβούλια βιώνουν και συζητούν ανά την Αμερική και σίγουρα στη Νέα Αγγλία, δηλαδή τη φορτική πίεση της διαρκούς αύξησης της ετήσιας συνεισφοράς τους προς την Αρχιεπισκοπή, η κοινότητα του Λιν αποφάσισε να αντισταθεί θέτοντας ένα μέτρο κι ένα όριο στη διαρκή επαιτεία από μέρους της Μητρόπολης, χρησιμοποιώντας ως μοχλό πίεσης ακόμα και τα σωστικά μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας, γεγονός αναιρετικό της ίδιας της φύσης και της αποστολής της Εκκλησίας.

          Τα όσα ελέχθησαν και ακούσθηκαν στο Λιν και διαδόθηκαν αστραπιαίως στις κοινότητες ανά την Αμερική, όφειλαν να είχαν κάνει τους υπεύθυνους του εκκλησιαστικού μας βίου όχι απλώς να ανησυχήσουν αφού συναθροίζονται όλα τα στοιχεία και οι δυναμικές ενός επαπειλούμενου χάσματος, αλλά να είχαν απέλθει ευσχημόνως προς εφησυχασμό.

          Το μήνυμα του ένθεου και φιλότιμου ομογενειακού μας λαού του Λιν, είναι ευκρινές πέρα για πέρα πως μέχρι εδώ ήταν η άντληση του οβολού μας προς πορισμό και τρυφηλή ζωή εν ονόματι του μύθου των λεγόμενων «διακονιών» ή ministries επί το Προτεσταντικότερο, λες και οι άνθρωποι δεν βλέπουν ότι ελάχιστη έως μηδενική ευεργεσία αποκομίζει η τοπική τους εκκλησία, η κοινότητα δηλαδή, από αυτές τις διαβόητες διακονίες. Το ουσιαστικό μυστικό είναι πως όσα πιο πολλά χρήματα στέλνουν οι κοινότητες στην Αρχιεπισκοπή, τόσο περισσότερα επιστρέφουν στην τοπική Μητρόπολη, τα υπόλοιπα είναι απλά κενές ρητορείες.
          Η δε επίκληση των κανονισμών και αποφάσεων των Κληρικολαϊκών Συνελεύσεων, φαντάζει ωσεί λήρος διότι κληρικοί και λαϊκοί γνωρίζουν καλώς τις μεθοδείες και τα προκατασκευάσματά τους που απλώς καλούνται οι σύνεδροι να επικυρώσουν δια βοής.
          Η περίπτωση του Λιν είναι αντιπροσωπευτική της σιωπηρής, λόγω καταπίεσης, κατάστασης και αγωνίας που επικρατεί σε πλείστες όσες κοινότητες, οι οποίες τώρα ανάσαναν και άρχισαν να βλέπουν τα πράγματα με άλλο μάτι και προσέγγιση.

          Το συμπέρασμα που βγαίνει από τη γενική συνέλευση του Λιν είναι ότι οι άνθρωποι, ο λαός του Θεού ο ευλογημένος, αφού συνειδητοποίησε πως δεν είχε πουθενά και σε κανέναν να στραφεί και να ελπίσει, κατάφυγε στη δική του δύναμη και δυναμική. Στην ελεύθερη έκφραση της γνώμης και θέλησής του, αγνοώντας την ιεραρχική δομή της Εκκλησίας επειδή κατάλαβε ότι δεν λειτουργούσε ως πατρότητα και αγαπητικότητα, αλλά ως ένα καταναγκαστικό φέουδο που δεν δίστασε να εκμεταλλευτεί ακόμα και τα μυστήρια που είναι τα μέσα και οι αγωγοί της Θείας Χάριτος προς σωτηρία.

          Η έννοια της Εκκλησίας εξέλιπε. Η υποψία γι’ αυτό που είναι Εκκλησία, από αυτό που δεν είναι αρχίζει να κερδίζει έδαφος, αφού κάποτε ξυπνούν και οι μέχρι χτες «υπνώττοντες» είτε λόγω σεβασμού σε σχήματα και προσχήματα, είτε λόγω έμφυτης λαϊκής ευσέβειας εγκυστωμένης στα τρίσβαθα της ψυχής τους και τώρα λένε μέχρι εδώ και μη παρέκει. Ουδείς ομογενής αρνήθηκε ποτέ να συνδράμει στην Εκκλησία σε τοπικό ή εθνικό επίπεδο. Εκεί που αρχίζει το πρόβλημα είναι όταν προσβάλλεται το φιλότιμο των ανθρώπων και η νοημοσύνη τους, διότι και οι πλέον αδαείς περί τον εκκλησιαστικό βίο κατανοούν ότι οι κληρικοί κάθε βαθμού είναι «υπάλληλοι» του λαού, ο οποίος τους πληρώνει και μάλιστα αδρά για να προσεύχονται, κι όχι να τον δυναστεύουν.

          Οι καιροί μας βοούν, κι αυτό που προέχει είναι η καταλλαγή πάντων, κι όχι η επίδειξη ενός τρομαγμένου λεονταρισμού.

          Φεβρουάριος 18, 2011

          Friday, February 18, 2011


          Below is a letter sent out by the Proistamenos and Parish Council in Lynn, Massachusetts to the parishioners of St. George Greek Orthodox Church. It is highly instructive as to what kind of fortitude a flock should expect from its shepherd, and from those chosen to represent the parish. AXIOI!

          Παρακατω ειναι γραμμα που εστελε o Προισταμενος, μαζι με το συμβουλειο της κοινοτητας του Λυνν, ΜΑ. Ειναι υπεροχο παραδειγμα το πως πρεπει να φερθει ενας παππας και ενα Κοινοτικο Συμβουλειο απεναντι στους ενοριτες τους. ΑΞΙΟΙ!

          *** A follow-up on these ongoing events is provided at the end of this blog article***


          January 31, 2011

          Dear Parishioners:

          Your beloved St. George Church is in a crisis situation and needs your help! All members of the St. George community should plan on attending a Special General Assembly that could ultimately determine our future direction on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., Snow Day Thursday, February, 17, 2011.

          As you may know the Archdiocese has demanded an assessment against our church that your parish council has determined is unreasonable, unfair & unaffordable. Over the past two years the amount demanded from St. George has increased by 27%. In these difficult economic times and faced with diminishing revenues, the parish council is trying to balance the needs of the community with its obligations to the Archdiocese. In a unanimous decision held with a quorum, your parish council voted that the community needs outweigh the needs of the Archdiocese. However it is ultimately the St. George community itself that needs to voice their opinions so we can stand united.

          The issues are as follows: The Metropolis is demanding $20,000 in past due 2010 payments and an additional $88,000 in 2011. They base their assessment on a percentage of parish expenses applied against overall Archdiocese expenses. We feel the formula is a flawed methodology that unfairly penalizes our parish. Our failure to meet their demands to-date has resulted in punitive measures that the Metropolis has taken against us, our priest and our Church. Your parish council has remained firm that our annual commitment will not exceed our budgeted $68,000.

          The agenda at the Special General Assembly and the choices we need to make are straightforward. Do you agree with us that our assessment as we have budgeted is sufficient or not? The agenda items you need to consider are:

          1.) I agree that a $68,000 budgeted assessment is sufficient, and do not authorize any additional payments to the Metropolis.

          Consequence: Further punitive measures, possible removal of all parish council members, possible replacement of priest by Metropolis, Sacraments (weddings, baptisms) may not be performed.

          2.) I disagree, and feel we should pay the entire amount the Metropolis is seeking.

          Consequence: Immediate across the board increase in all minimum stewardship commitments to twice their current levels, elimination of certain Church programs, failure to meet approved 2011 budget, possible temporary closure of Church to save funds.

          The issues are critical and the future of your Church is at stake. Further details will be provided at the General Assembly. Your attendance is mandatory if you want to save our Church. Reminder- you must be a member in Good Standing for 2010 to vote. Please send in your stewardship today!


          Rev. Fr. George D. Tsoukalas, Protopresbyter

          John Meklis, Parish Council President


          Ιανουαριου 31, 2011

          Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες:

          Η εκκλησία μας του Αγίου Γεωργίου βρίσκεται σε μία κρίσιμη κατάσταση και χρειάζεται την βοήθειά σας. Ολα τα μέλη της κοινότητας πρέπει να παρευρεθούν στην ΄Εκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση που θα γίνει την Τετάρτη, 16 Φεβρουαρίου στις 7 μ.μ., εαν χιονίσει η Συνέλευση θα γινει την Πέμπτη, 17 Φεβρουαρίου, απο την έκβαση της οποίας θα εξαρτηθεί το μέλλον της κοινότητας.

          Οπως ίσως ήδη γνωρίζετε, η Αρχιεπισκοπή απαιτεί ένα καθορισμένο ποσόν από την κοινότητά μας που το Συμβούλιο θεωρεί ότι είναι παράλογο, άδικο και μη εφικτό. Για τα δύο τελευταία χρόνια, το ποσόν που απαιτείται από την κοινότητα, έχει αυξηθεί κατά 27%. Σε αυτές τις δύσκολες οικονομικές καταστάσεις και αντιμέτωποι με μειωμένες εισπραξεις, τα μέλη του Συμβουλιου προσπαθούν να ισορροπήσουν τις ανάγκες της κοινότητας με τις υποχρεώσεις προς την Αρχιεπισκοπή. Το Συμβούλιο, με μία ομόφωνη απόφαση η οποία ελήφθη με απαρτία των μελών, ψήφισε ότι οι ανάγκες της κοινότητας υπερτερούν της υποχρέωσης προς την Αρχιεπισκοπή. Αλλά πρέπει όλα τα μέλη να εκφράσουν την γνώμη τους ούτως ώστε να παρουσιαστούμε ενωμένοι.

          Τα θέματα είναι ως ακολούθως: Η Μητρόπολη απαιτεί $20,000 για καθυστερημένη εισφορά για το 2010 και επί πλέον $88,000 για το 2011. Βασίζουν την οικονομική εκτίμησή τους σε ένα ποσοστό των εξόδων της κοινότητας συγκρινόμενη με τα γενικά έξοδα της Αρχιεπισκοπής. Αισθανόμαστε ότι αυτό το σχέδιο είναι μία εσφαλμένη μεθολογία που τιμωρεί την κοινότητά μας. Αποτέλεσμα μη ανταπόκρισής μας προς τις απαιτήσεις τους είναι κυρώσεις εναντίον της κοινότητας, του ιερέα μας και της εκκλησίας μας. Το Συμβούλιο παραμένει σταθερό στην απόφαση ότι η ετήσια εισφορά μας στην Αρχιεπεισκοπή δεν θα υπερβεί τις $68,000 του προυπολογισμού.

          Τα θέματα που θα συζητηθούν στην ΄Εκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση και οι επιλογές που θα κάνουμε είναι απλά: Συμφωνείτε ότι το εκτιμητέο ποσόν όπως το έχουμε προυπολογίσει είναι ικανοποιητικό ή όχι. Πρέπει να λάβετε υπ’όψην τα εξής:

          1) Συμφωνώ ότι το ποσόν είναι ικανοποιητικό και δεν εξουσιοδοτώ επιπλέον εισφορά στην Αρχιεπισκοπή.
          Επιπτώσεις: Περισσότερα μέτρα τιμωρίας, πιθανή απομάκρυνση όλων των μελών του Συμβουλίου, πιθανή αντικατάσταση του ιερέα από την Μητρόπολη και μη τέλεση Μυστηρίων (Γάμοι, Βαπτίσεις)

          2) Δεν συμφωνώ και νομίζω ότι πρέπει να πληρώσουμε όλο το ποσόν που ζητά η Μητρόπολη.
          Επιπτώσεις: Αύξηση στο διπλάσιο της ελάχιστης ετήσιας συνδρομής, κατάργηση ορισμένων προγραμμάτων της εκκλησίας, πρόβλημα να ανταποκρισθούμε στον οικονομικό προυπολογισμό για το 2011 και πιθανόν προσωρινό κλείσιμο της εκκλησίας για να εξοικονομηθούν κεφάλαια.

          Η κατάσταση είναι κρίσιμη και το μέλλον της εκκλησίας μας απειλείται. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες θα αναφερθούν στην Γενική Συνέλευση. Η παρουσία σας επιβάλλεται εάν θέλετε να σωθεί η εκκλησία μας. Υπενθύμιση: Πρέπει να είστε οικονομικώς εντάξει για το 2010 για να ψηφίσετε. Παρακαλούμε στείλετε την ετήσια συνδρομή σας σήμερα.


          Πατηρ Γεώργιος Τσουκαλάς, Ιερατικώς Προϊσταμενος
          Ιωάννης Μεκλής, Προεδρος της Ενορίας

          NOTE - For a follow-up on this developing situation; please see the links we've added. 

          The National Herald report on the Special General Assembly vote at St. George Greek Orthodox Church (Feb 17, 2011).

          The response from the Metropolis of Boston.


          Thursday, February 17, 2011


          Why did the Salt Lake County Fire Department and the Questar Gas Company emergency crews show up,
          after business hours, at 5:45 o’clock pm, at the PE church offices  ??????

          Is there a secret room where computer and communications equipment is stored ???  
          Where is the secret room ??? Who has access to the room ???  What is the reason for the secret room ???

          Was there any community activity taking place at the time, which needed to be evacuated
          because of the extreme danger of a blow up ???  Any youngsters around ?????

          Why was there someone surreptitiously drilling the walls at the Prophet Elias Church offices
          attempting to install computer and communications’ equipment ????  Was the person licensed, bonded, and/or otherwise qualified ??????

          Whose permission did “this someone” have to drill ??????

          Was it performed in secret because someone directed that it would be done thusly ?????

          Who directed that it should be done in secret ????

          Why was the natural gas line punctured when the drilling occurred ????

          Is there any nefarious activity taking place without the knowledge of the Parish Council,
          or the parishioners at large ??????

          Do we have a rogue among us ??????

          Did the Parish Council know of the installation ??? OR things are back to normal ????  No-one asks, no-one tells, everybody pays the damage !!!

          Did the Parish Council authorize the scope of the work or any activity related thereto ????

          Is the Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake covered by any insurance,
          when somebody drills in the  Church’s office walls ????

          Who is going to pay for any damages ????????

          Did any such person who actually drilled (and whoever else may have directed him to so do),
          have any insurance in place protecting the Corporation ????

          Just wondering !!!

          Nick J. Colessides

          Sunday, February 13, 2011

          1999 to 2011 - Complaints to Reality

          In 1999 a report was written and presented to the Ecumenical Patriarch by four of our current metropolitans. At the time, these metropolitans believed the church to be in disarray and voiced their displeasure in written form to their superior. The following sampling of transgressions against the then regime smacks of irony considering the actions of these same metropolitans today.

          “The Archdiocese is presently suffocating in an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, insecurity, lack of trust and vindictiveness.”

          “It is surrounded by persons whose main attribute is the fabled “blind obedience” and the so-called “loyalty.”

          “The impression is given that the present leadership of the Archdiocese is far more concerned with taking vengeance on its “enemies” than for the progress and increase of the Church.”

          If we apply the above accusations from 1999 to our community today we can clearly see the similarities. Our community suffers from an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, insecurity, lack of trust and vindictiveness through the actions of the proistameno of Prophet Elias only, his hand-selected parish council (the fabled blindly obedient and so called loyalty folk) and the local metropolitan. Certainly if these aforementioned individuals were concerned with the progress and increase of the Church, instead of taking vengeance on their enemies, we would not be experiencing the disarray we see today.

          The very complaints of 1999 are occurring today at the hands of the then-complainant. He has employed the assistance of the proistameno of Prophet Elias only to distort the truth for their mutual personal agendas and not the betterment of the Laos to which they are entrusted. 

          The metropolitans complain in their report that, at the time they were wanting to become metropolitans, they were accused of being "ambitious, lovers of prominence, and seekers of power."  Fast forward 12 years and we see the power they wield, and they do so without regard for the Laos they are in theory shepherding.  As we look at our community and all that has transpired at the hand of the proistameno-of-Prophet-Elias-only and his minions, it is clear he wields his power in the same manner.  The accusations that were offensive 12 years ago, still exist today, and still have been shown to be legitimate concerns that have proven true.  In the case of our community, they extend to the proistameno-of-Prophet-Elias-only, along with other clergy in the community.

          St. Ignatios said that where the bishop is the church is also.  Invariably, St. Ignatios understood that without the Laos the church would not exist.  The time has come for the Laos to take back their role in the conciliar operation of their church.  The idea of the Laos playing an important role in the life of the church only when it benefits the clerics is a foreign concept.  It is now time for the Laos to vocally express their collective displeasure with the state of affairs and take back their active role in the daily function of their church.  Our resolve must be strong and message clear:  absolute authority belongs not to the proistameno-of-Prophet-Elias-only or the current local metropolitan, but to God alone.

          Saturday, February 12, 2011

          PROFILES IN COURAGE - the Priest and Parish Council we WISH we had in SLC

          We are not alone in our struggles. Throughout this country the hierarchy of our beloved Church is seeking to utterly dominate and threaten the laity. To read about the plight of the Greek Orthodox parish in Lynn, Massachusetts, click here.
          More information.


          Wednesday, February 2, 2011

          A WORD TO THE WISE

          For those who complain and throw tantrums because they get “no respect” due to their status in life or due to their profession, please note:

          Respect is earned; it cannot be imposed.

          And, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

          T. P. M. G.

          Best regards,

          Nick Colessides