Letter to the Patriarchate
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
11:52 PM
It has been "suggested" that the current Parish Council, and the latest PC nominees and electees, are "hand-picked" to annoy the Metropolitan of Denver. The assertion is nonsense!
The elected Parish Council has tried mightily to work with the Metropolitan and the local clergy since its election, despite the Metropolitan's going back on his word countless times, his nearly constant provocative correspondence, and his obvious encouragement to the local clergy and their former anointed appointed to remain imperious and uncooperative.
No group of people has been more patient, or has tried harder. Sadly, to little avail. Despite proper elections and general assemblies, despite a now open and transparent governance, the Metropolitan's heart - like the Pharaoh's - remains hardened.
Let's talk about the Met and his local toadies' actions in this community for oh, say, the past half-dozen-plus years.
These are the scheming minority who, in collusion with an unloving Metropolitan:
- condoned an action by the Proistamenos who "tattled" to the Metropolitan and managed to remove a respected elder from the Parish Council. Not being enough, that led to that elder's sacramental sanctioning - albeit temporarily. After the fact, the Met claimed that he had been "misled", and though he lifted the sanctions, having been "misled", he did NOT reinstate said gentleman to the Parish Council. In the meantime, of course, as with all provocateurs and snitches, the Proistamenos raised his hands and claimed to "know nothing" and threw his own superior under the bus! (He of course, has a good example in that the Metropolitan has thrown his brother bishop, Archbishop Demetrios, under said bus numerous times as well.)
- condoned and remained SILENT, following clergy and hierarchy directives, during Parish Council nomination "culls", betraying their own brothers and sisters in the community.
- condoned the suspension of elections and General Assemblies, in direct violation of the UPR.
- condoned and congratulated themselves upon serving as "anointed appointed", lording it over the "less holier-than-thou" VAST MAJORITY of this community, who were left VOICELESS and UNREPRESENTED while the anointed appointed "led", and led badly.
- engaged in utterly dishonorable and despicable actions designed to impugn the integrity and destroy the reputation of a community elder who has given vast amounts of time, talent and treasure both to this community and to Greek Orthodoxy throughout the nation and the world. In fact, the anointed appointed still - shamefully - refer to this highly respected professional as a "robber"! Our Metropolitan has not discouraged such shameful behavior!
- condemned the majority when they resorted to the only "voice" they had left, the withholding of funds to their beloved community, and then being FORCED to resort to civil courts when the anointed appointed would not, in violation of both the UPR and civil law, provide a mailing list upon a proper request. (This community paid for both its own lawyers and their counsel as well in that fiasco!)
- condoned a winter meeting that essentially held a gun to the community's head, with a carpetbagging "hired gun" from Houston who castigated elders forced to remain outside their own church - in sub-freezing temperatures - and STILL won't admit that this community has the fortitude that our forefathers would be PROUD of, to tell them and all their ilk - whether they be hierarch, clergy, archon, "anointed appointed", "NO! OXI!"
- condemns the majority and still demands a split of this community - still holding it HOSTAGE! - despite numerous surveys and votes indicating that the community is not in favor of such action. Unbelievably, the splitters claim that those who object to their ongoing hard-headedness are not "unifiers" and are "spewing hate".
- condemn still, those who correctly identify the clergy, particularly the Proistamenos-of-Prophet-Elias-only, as an ongoing instigator of dissension and disunity. His and his toadies' continuing EFFORTS in encouraging a split are directly responsible for sluggish stewardship. No one will give generously while this poisonous situation continues!When pointing to past and ongoing outrages, the majority is blamed for the dissension in the community, blamed for the community-at-large laughing at us, blamed for trashing a tradition lasting 2,000 years. That these situations exist, is not because of the majority of good Orthodox Christians in this valley, but because of flawed apostolic successors and a benighted minority who think themselves holier-than-anyone-who-disagrees with them!
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
1:35 PM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:50 AM
Moderator's Note: The second correspondence sent from the Parish Council today may be viewed here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
4:55 PM
No one can argue that when a Parish Council takes the Oath of Office to uphold the Uniform Parish Regulations, and as a Parish, we accept clergy, who administer the Mysteria of the Faith, we acknowledge THEY are an extension of Apostolic Succession, which, in fact ratified OUR Uniform Parish Regulations after OUR Clergy-Laity Convention.
Each of us SHOULD have a Spiritual Father to guide us BEFORE we stray, and WE should reach out to them whether or not we think we are improving. We set a bad example to our children by trashing UPRs and Clergy.
The Parish shall furthermore abide by the decisions of the Clergy-Laity Congresses irrespective of whether it was represented thereat, (emphasis added) the administrative determinations of the Archdiocesan Council, and such interim legislation as may be adopted between Congresses by the Archdiocesan Council.Why the need for such a statement? Unless one well knows, in advance, that something will be SHOVED down the throats of an unsuspecting flock in an unjust, unfair manner?
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
2:54 PM
Moderator's Note: This correspondence was sent out today by our Parish Council. It may be viewed in the original form here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
2:50 PM
Section 1: Members of the Parish Council shall be elected by parishioners in good standing of the Parish in accordance with the Regulations and the Parish Bylaws. The election of the members
of the Parish Council shall
be held no earlier than the first Sunday in November,
and no later than the second Sunday
in December.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
1:52 PM
We have been fortunate to receive two separate communications from our two esteemed proistamenoi. The first is their letter to the Metropolitan outlining their reasons why parish council elections cannot take place this coming Sunday. They repeat the words of the Metropolitan in which he, "declares the assembly meeting invalid along with any decisions which may have been passed." Declarations have been made but citing references for those declarations are lacking. NOWHERE in the UPR does it state a general assembly meeting invalid should the clergy choose to walk out.
We then learn that "there cannot be anyone in canonical good standing at this point without a canonical general assembly." An interesting statement for our two esteemed proistamenoi to make. If this is the case and NO ONE in this community is in canonical good standing, the clergy should be prepared to refuse communion to ANYONE who approaches. With regard to referencing the canons, specifically which canons from which council have been violated rendering a parish general assembly invalid?
Their second communication explains again an imagined violation of the UPR saying, "elections cannot proceed according to the UPR since nominations for
Elections Committee members and Parish Council candidates occurred at Parish
Assembly deemed non-canonical by His Eminence." They further explain that "candidates have not been qualified by the priests nor have they attended a Parish Council seminar." They fail to mention that they were asked to conduct the necessary seminar never responding to the request.
Their final objection is the issuance of absentee ballots by the parish council in violation of the directive of the Metropolitan. Let's be clear, such a directive is a direct violation of UPR Article 25, Section 6. Is the Metropolitan asking us to violate the same UPR that he continuously cites and holds dear? You can't have it both ways.
We thank our esteemed proistamenoi for their correspondence and encourage everyone to vote this coming Sunday.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
11:03 PM
The Denver Metropolitan’s most recent missive ( dated November 26, 2013) concerning the validity of elections has reached new lows concerning governance issues.
We applaud the Parish’s Council’s decision to implement the General Assembly’s directive to hold elections this coming Sunday, as previously announced.
I would urge every parishioner to take the time to learn about the candidates. I would urge the parishioners to obtain absentee ballots or appear in person to vote. On Sunday, December 8, 2013 we all need to vote our conscience in selecting our Parish’s leadership for the next year.
The Denver Metropolitan’s new “hat-trick” is invoking his veto power. A power he does not have. He also seeks to vest his appointed clergy, with the same veto power over the election of the Parish’s council.
The people are the Church. In matters of faith veto power rests exclusively with our Savior. Last I heard we do not celebrate the Denver Metropolitan’s, or Fr. Michael’s or Fr. Matthew’s birthday on December 25.
Cast your ballots in a timely manner so that you alone can have your say as to how our Parish will be governed. Let us all leave Theology to knowledgeable Theologians.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
P.S. Happy Name Day to all the Barbaras, Savas, Nicks, Annas, and Spiros on their respective Name Days celebrated within the next 10 days.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:48 PM
The following packet of letters was sent out today by our Parish Council. The original packet, sent via e-mail, may be viewed here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
6:33 PM
The Parish Council sent correspondence to the community today. The original letter, along with a previously cited letter from the Metropolitan of Denver may be viewed here.
We have added the text from the Parish Council's letter regarding Parish Council elections below.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
8:20 PM
To view the latest salvo from the Metropolitan click here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
9:38 PM
The recent letter from the Metropolitan raises more questions than it answers. If the letter was written on Tuesday, November 26 and addressed to the assigned clergy, the parish council and the members of this community, why was there a six day delay in its release. Presumably, the assigned clergy had the letter, sat on it until Sunday, December1 before forwarding it to the parish council. Any complaints regarding this blog receiving the letter before it was released to the parish are reminiscent of a pot and kettle.
An issue remains that, by its being ignored, should be alarming. No real resolution has ever come from the questionable use of the benevolent funds of the assigned clergy. According to the National Herald, the proistameno of Prophet Elias only, had his secretary as a co-signatory on his account. Is this true? If it is true, according to the February 4, 2013 letter from the Metropolitan, "You could be defrocked from the holy priesthood, if you were known to divulge such confidential information." Having anyone other than the clergy as a signatory on this account would certainly "divulge such confidential information." Why would the Metropolitan and Archdiocese look the other way? Could they be trying to hide the truth? If so, why?
Distributing funds to family members is certainly questionable. The Metropolitan excuses these expenditures as "seminarians" who, "as well as other college students at all colleges have unexpected needs that require financial assistance." This might very well be true. Two points: no other seminarians were offered financial assistance and, no other seminarians have a family member who has access to this type of account. The Metropolitan also excuses five other expenses as having to do with "worship services involving visiting clergy and chanting." Aren't expenses involving visiting clergy and chanting parish expenses that would come from the parish general fund and not a benevolent fund? Again, why would the Metropolitan and Archdiocese look the other way?
Why , according to the National Herald, was the secretary's name on the benevolent fund account? WHY did Fr. Kouremetis allow this?
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:30 PM
Moderator's Note: Mr. Saltas has given us permission to respond to an e-mail sent by "Protect Our Clergy" here.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
2:39 PM
In a perfect world all lay people would be generous stewards .. giving freely because it is what the Lord asks of us and we Laity would give for their own spiritual benefit -- not because it is required by a decision of a Clergy-Laity Congress. (emphasis added) They would give without demanding financial transparency and accountability on the part of Church leaders. (BECAUSE THEY WOULD NOT NEED TO?) In a perfect world Church leaders would be loving and caring stewards of the resources entrusted to them. They would be skilled in dispute resolution. They would lead by personal example: by persuasion and consent rather than by command and force. The problem of leadership in our present circumstances and in the American age we live in is that Church leaders need to understand that they cannot be effective by themselves… (emphasis added) they are useless without followers. (emphasis added) They need to learn a new style of leadership.. just as the Laity must develop a new quality of followership. Church leaders in America must be responsive to the people and the people must be active and informed participants in the process.
- from "The Meaning of a Hierarchical Church" - by George Karcazes
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
12:36 PM
Yesterday, November 10, we again we witnessed the logical consequences of illogical Uniform Parish Regulations and a warped Charter.
When our clergy hear reality that affects THEIR bottom line, they leave.
In the meantime, the evening before, the clergy threatened that any mention of "benevolent" funds would ensure the same result.
Is this any way to lead the Church - the Bride of Christ?
We beseech the Archbishop and the Patriarch to intervene!
The situation is intolerable.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
7:02 PM
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
6:29 PM
The former anointed appointed might have a point regarding their observations if:
a) they remembered that during their dismal misrule the books were NOT open for anyone to inspect (a violation of the UPR they hold dear); this Parish Council has had them open for inspection at anytime by any parishioner. In addition, upon inspection by the anointed appointed, they themselves found no improprieties.
b) while decrying audits of benevolent funds [which do fall under the purview of GAAP Accounting Standards under rule 501(c)(3) regardless of UPR paranoia] they fail to note that there were improprieties; these are not "discretionary" funds to be used by the esteemed clergy for their family or individuals who are themselves signatories on the accounts they espouse untouchable.
c) their claims for "unity", and adherence to the UPRs, ring hollow in view of their ongoing justification of a separate corporate identity for Prophet Elias only by a self elected, unauthorized group of parishioners;
d) they applied the dearly held UPR uniformly during their misrule
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
10:54 PM
Instead of promoting Christ’s love, unifying the community and taking positive forward thinking steps, this “leadership” intends to pull us back into the previous century. (from a recent e-mail to various community members from Protect our Clergy)
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
6:25 PM
Our Parish Council “leadership” is at it again, and again your help is needed.
The Parish Council has published a proposed budget that is clearly crafted to eliminate our clergy and will ultimately lead to conflict with our Hierarchs and again result in the closing of our Churches.
These blatant attempts to turn our Christian Parish into a country club have been made even more apparent by the recent public statements of some councilmen who have advocated leaving the Archdiocese and openly admitted that their prime motivation for being on the Council is to remove our clergy.
They have made little effort to alleviate the problems of the Parish and in fact are suggesting a reduction in Stewardship to levels comparable to 1998! Instead of promoting Christ’s love, unifying the community and taking positive forward thinking steps, this “leadership” intends to pull us back into the previous century.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
6:12 PM
Moderator's Note: The original letter sent by the Denver Metropolitan may be viewed here. We added it below and have responded to the absurd assertions, point-by-point in said letter.
Posted by
TOCB Moderator
2:15 PM
Question: who builds a gazebo and barbecue deck in their yard when the roof of their house is caving in?
Answer: Fr. Michael and his supporters. Surely the Proistamenos-of-Prophet-Elias-only could have prevailed upon the donors to fix the DOME of the church as a means to honor loved ones, before proceeding with less critical projects? Apparently not.